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Oktoberfest Parade (A Must See If You Can)

Almost time for Oktoberfest again. If you are in the area on Sunday of opening weekend the parade through downtown Munich is a must see. Guarantee it will be a highlight of your trip. I was on a RS tour last year and was able to see about an hour of this parade. It is unbelievable and hope you have a video camea. Get there early and find a great spot along the several mile route. Like no other parade I have ever seen.

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2169 posts

I agree. We saw it by accident; we were supposed to leave on the train to Italy that morning, but the Italian trains went on strike and we ran across the parade on our way back to the hotel. Just amazing! The costumes, animals, music -- quite the sight to see.

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12313 posts

I also saw the parade one Oktoberfest. It was a really enjoyable part of the trip. I especially liked seeing all the people (audience, not just people in the parade) decked out in their finest traditional Bavarian outfits.

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4412 posts

So Tony, after the ups and downs and UPS of last year, are you planning another trip? I think I can speak for most of us readers that we were glad you decided to go ahead with your plans.

I would LOVE to see the parade, but as Charlene and Brad alluded to, just people-watching was fun, too.

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208 posts

Mary, can't believe anyone remembered me from my post last summer. Thanks. I did have a great trip and enjoyed all 18 days from daylight till late night each day. So much to see and do did not want to spend my time in a room. Normandy was wonderful, and then the RS GAS tour was so much fun. Can't make a trip over this year but maybe next year or the year after. This was my first post in a long time and glad to be remembered.

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9149 posts

Of course we remember you. We always remember nice people! Looking forward to having you come back this way again.

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208 posts

Thanks Jo. Can't tell you how much I enjoyed my evening with you and your hubby. Frankfurt sure has changed since I lived there in the 60's. Would have liked to have spent more time there as so much history in Frankfurt. Good to hear from old friends.

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16 posts

Ditto Charlene. We saw it by accident; it actually went right by our hotel (which was a five minute walk from the Oktoberfest grounds). How fun to have a bird's eye view. A definite must see! (But don't go to Oktoberfest the first day unless you have passes to one of the hauses. You'll never find a seat, let alone a beer).