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Octoberfest Accomodations

I am going to Octoberfest around October 1, 2, or 3 and don't yet have accomodations. Any recommendations on where to stay or how to go about getting reservations? It is only me and one friend. Should we just find something when we arrive there? Thanks!

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7209 posts

I think it would take great courage to show up in Munich at Octoberfest without a reservation for a room.

I can recommend from experience the Hotel Platzl just around the corner from the Marienplatz.

Posted by
6 posts

Thanks for the suggestion... looks like they are booked though. :(

Posted by
4 posts

I recently was in the same situation, being in Munich the exact same days. Our flight is scheduled to leave October 4th. I made reservations about 2 weeks ago at a hotel in a small city closer to the airport (which is 45 minutes away).

My personal advice, since it is so close and EVERYTHING is going to be booked, I would consider taking the train into the city, even if it is 30 minutes. I would look at several of the smaller cities outside of Munich. Hotels are much less expensive there too.

Good luck !!!

Posted by
258 posts

I will also be there for Oktoberfest. I requested prices from a couple places months ago and they were ridiculous! Around $200-$300 for tiny singles. I ended up using some hotel reward points for a room - no jacking prices up on points :) If you have any hotel points, I would suggest looking into that.

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7209 posts

You can go to Tripadvisor in the Munich hotel pages, type in your dates, and it will give you a list of all availability and prices. I just did it with dates of checkin on Oct 1 for 3 came back with lots and lots of hotels.

Posted by
345 posts

Try the towns of Erding, Freising, Hallbergmoos...near the airport but serviced by public transport into Munich. It is still going to be a challange, I think.

Posted by
24 posts

I am going the weekend before Oktoberfest and even then I couldn't find anything in Munich proper for less than 250euros...With the 1.4x conversion factor, that was getting a bit out of my budget, so I found something much cheaper (around 100euros) near the town of Neufarn (near the airport). It remains to be seen how good the place is, but I am hoping for the best.


Posted by
6 posts

I booked only a few days ago at etap hotels. $126 euro for 2 people for 2 nights.

Posted by
100 posts

two years ago we stayed at the hotel royal in Munich for Oktoberfest. It was about $100usd including a good breakfast in the morning. it is across the street basically from the main train station and about a 15-20 min walk to the Oktoberfest sight. If you put in google hotel royal munich it will come up. It is next to a couple of strip joints. But we never had any problems feeling unsafe. Good luck and enjoy Oktoberfest.

Posted by
80 posts

Help!!!! My husband and I will be there for 1 night, Sept. 25, and we can't find a thing! What are some other towns I could try? We will be going to Rothenburg in the morning. I've tried Erding, Freising, and Hallbergmoos, no luck. (for under $150 that is) Thanks!

Posted by
345 posts

Jenny - how are you going to Rothenburg? Train or auto?

Posted by
38 posts

You should make arrangements before you get there. Everything will be booked, and/or very expensive. But going from hotel to hotel to find something will waste time while you could be enjoying the city.

Posted by
7198 posts

Allison, Jenny:

Augsburg is an attractive city about 35-45 minutes north of Munich (and on the way to Rothenburg, roughly.) There are several hotels near the train station if that's how you're traveling; trains from Munich run until midnight or so, roughly.

I've stayed at the hostel in Augsburg with my family. It's been newly remodeled to be more like a hotel - most rooms there have 2 beds. The website (in German) shows availability for a 2-bed room w/ breakfast buffet on 9/25, 10/1, and 10/3 for under 50 Euros. The hostel is about 15-20 minutes' walk as I recall. You can see some photos here:

I would contact them soon if this suits you.

Jugendherberge Augsburg Unterer Graben 6 86152 Augsburg Tel. 0821/78 08 89-0 Fax 0821/78 08 89-29

[email protected]

Good luck! Russ

Posted by
80 posts

Thank you everyone! (Oh, and we will be taking the train to Rothenberg in the morning.)

I just checked the hotel suggested above and there is a problem- they only accept people under 27 unless you have an underage child! My husband is 30, so then he would be turned away???

Posted by
7198 posts

Jenny: In Bavarian hostels, under 27s are supposed to get booking priority. However, the online booking system seems to hold a certain number of rooms for "oldsters" like your husband and me. Try this page:

I think you can book it online for 9/25 here. You must stipulate your ages by checking boxes, but when I did that (one 27+, one under) for your dates, it offered a double room.

Good luck!

Posted by
80 posts

We found a place in Augsburg, Germany. It's about 30 min. by train from Munich and we are staying at Hotel Terratel for EUR 89 for a double room, one night. Not a bad deal at all, considering it's Oktoberfest.

Posted by
7198 posts

Jenny - sounds like a good find. If you are arriving in Augsburg late by train and leaving early - as it sounds - you may want to make sure your room is near the station. I'm not sure where the Terratel is.