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November Provence weather?

What's the weather likely to be in Provence the last week in October and the first week in November? We're planning our honeymoon for this fall, with a week in Paris and a week in the Luberon/Vaucluse. But if the weather is likely to be crummy we may just stay in Paris for that additional week and take more day trips. My sense is that it is better to be in Paris during bad weather where you can get cozy, versus an area where you would want to be walking and outdoors.
Many thanks for any advice.

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10344 posts

Here's the best weather site for a guesstimate more than a month out, this site lets you input your actual dates, up to 14 days time span. I input Roussillon and last week in Oct and first week in Nov, this is the last 13 yrs of weather and there's a summary up top.

You said Luberon, I input Roussillon and a couple of other locations but the closest it got, on a quick search, is Grenoble. Maybe you can get closer location-wise if you play with the location a bit.

This is a good weather site but it doesn't have data on small towns, the trick is to pick the closest larger town for which it has data.

It still gives you more useful information than someone saying: "It was blah blah blah when we were there 2 years ago."

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445 posts

This link is for Orange on the Rhone which is much closer to the Luberon than Grenoble which is semi-Alpine!

Temps not bad. But the unknown factor in Provence is
le Mistral which can blow at any time and make life miserable!!

My suggestion would be to go to Provence first and then do Paris...or skip Provence and stay longer in Paris which IMHO would make a memorable honeymoon.
However, the vendage (grape harvest) is in the fall and the olive harvest later--probably November.(all harvest subject to the weather).