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Normandy Day Trip from Paris?

Is it possible to do a day trip to the Normandy beaches from Paris by train? Or, do you really need a car and/or more time.

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1 posts

My husband and I are doing a day trip in early October. We aren't in Paris long, but thought we would kick ourselves if we didn't go to visit the D-day site area. It is not really enough time to catch any of the Normandy bus tours (they start before a train could get us there from Paris and we didn't really want that anyway) and we really wanted someone with expertise to help us, so we hired a private guide. He told us exactly which trains to catch and he'll be picking us up for a full day tour. It isn't cheap, but I think it will be worth it. Long story short...if you have time, spend a night or two, but if not, it is possible to do in a day.

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23420 posts

It is possible but not practical. First it is the distance from Paris and second, the beaches themselves are over 50 miles in length and that does not include the equally important stuff behind the beach. You can make a run from Paris and a quick peak at one of the beach areas. For a one day a car would be much better since you could control and make efficient use of your time provided you don't get lost. An overnight would be much better.

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1014 posts

Rent a car for a day and do the trip yourself. That way, you can stop and read information. Be sure to have a gps with you. Never leave home without one now.

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8994 posts

Having a private guide is the most efficient use of your short time there. Certainly more efficient then needing to rent a car, find your way around to all the important stops where you would have to stop and read about what you are looking at. The D-Day tours are usually very good, no matter what company is doing it, and you will come away from Normandy a lot more satisified with your visit then if you had just driven around for a few hours before heading back to Paris. These tours can be very meaningful and well worth the money.