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Nonstop Trains from Zurich to Munich?

I am traveling from Zurich to Munich in early March and can't seem to find any nonstop trains on the Bahn website until later that month. Most journeys involve multiple changes, some including buses and even a boat. There is one train that requires just one change, but that journey will take 6 hours. Does anyone know if the nonstops have been canceled until the end of March? Also, am I better off buying my ticket now or is it safe to wait until I get to Switzerland? Any help is greatly appreciated.

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I'm not certain why there are no non-stop connections until later in March, but that's the results I found on the Deutsche Bahn and SBB websites. I would have thought the reason might be related to crossing the Alps in the winter, but the direct trains don't directly traverse the Alps. If you buy your tickets now, you can take advantage of discounts. If you don't mind paying full fair, just buy your tickets on the day of travel.