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Non-Smoking Hotels in Germany

We are traveling to Germany in September and I am having a really hard time finding completely smoke-free hotels especially in the Black Forest region.We really want to stay as close to Triberg as possible. Maybe brancing out a few kilometers in either direction if the condition are right. I did Ok with reservations in the town of Hohenschwangau.However we need to spend our next night in either Triberg or somewhere just as quaint for the shopping and then moving on to Ludwigsburg.This trip will be for our 30th wedding anniversary. We met in Bad Cannstatt(5th General Hospital)35 years ago.I am also looking for castles that have beautiful rooms and furnishings for a wonderful night or two.
I know that lots of people suffer from respiratory illness as I do so I don't feel that asking for completely smoke-free hotels is unreasonable. It fits right in there with Health, Wellness, Spas and such.
Thanks in advance for any help and advice. Thanks also to Gary and Nancy whom have already written to give me their constructive criticism about how I should blog.I beg your forgiveness as I have never blogged before until now.So please forgive me and any atrocious mistakes that I make now and possibly in the future. Melody

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9142 posts

Hi Melody, please don't feel you have to apologize for anything. We welcome your question too, as it is one that hasn't been discussed very often. There are certain to be hotels that are smoke-free. I will check a few out later on today.

So, welcome to the Helpline and we hope you feel comfortable posting any other questions you have.

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800 posts

Melody - we stayed at the Hotel Gasthof Kreuz Post in Staufen, a lovely little village with a castle at the top of a small hill. I'm not sure that it was a totally smoke free hotel but I'm very sensitive to cigarette smoke and don't remember being bothered at all. You could email them and ask. We stayed there for one night and then went the next day to Freiburg & Triberg.

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1523 posts

As I mentioned in response to your previous thread, smoke free hotels are often labeled Nichtraucher Hotel. My wife has migraines that can be triggered by cigarette smoke. Usually we do with non-smoking rooms (Nichtrauchzimmer) but she does occasionally still smell smoke.

I have noticed 3 types of smoke free (rauchfrei or nichtraucher) hotels. One is a specialty hotel in a larger market, another is a health resort out of town and the final is a small pension (bed and breakfast).

You might have more luck in Stuttgart or Freiburg as I noted in the other message than in Triberg. I did another research as I described:

"Nichtraucher Hotel Triberg"

I found the "Nichtraucher-Hotel Sonnenbring".

Good luck with your trip. My sister-in-law was born in a car on the way to the 5th General Hospital. We are visiting Stuttgart ourselves later this year.


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9142 posts;jsessionid=32CEBC65C70AFB11E792D4C9E3FEB12E.3-3?clientId=ZW4-&cid=3-3

If you copy and paste this, it will take you to the hotels located in Triberg and a 20 mile radius. HRS uses symbols, so you can tell immediately if it is a smoking hotel, along with the other amenities, like wifi, pools, etc. Once you find a hotel you like, go ahead and see if they have their own website and if it is then cheaper to book with the hotel itself rather than HRS. Using this website is a huge time saver I find, as you can see availability right away, the maps are right there, along with reviews and prices. You can change the distance of course and the dates, I was just playing around with it. Looks like about half of the hotels are smoke free when I just scrolled down the list. So, good luck is with you!

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1523 posts

Jo wrote:

"HRS uses symbols, so you can tell immediately if it is a smoking hotel, along with the other amenities, like wifi, pools, etc."

I think that the no smoking symbol represents smoke free rooms rather than a smoke free hotel. We use HRS to locate such smoke free rooms. When you reserve through them, they say that they do not guarantee a smoke free room only note it to the hotel. We have always got a smoke free room, but as I indicated above sometimes my wife can still smell smoke if it is otherwise allowed in the hotel.

I did notice one hotel in the greater Triberg area that said it was a Nichtraucher Hotel:

Regenbogen Nichtraucherhotel, Mozartweg 4, 78126 , Königsfeld

Regards, Gary

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2 posts

Thanks everyone for your input. I can hardly believe that people will time out of their lives for a complete stranger!
I got alot of wonderful information and plan to put it all to use. Thanks again.
P.S. Cigarette smoking does trigger my migraines even on a balcony where the wind is blowing. I am looking forward to this trip but I am also dreading it too.

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149 posts

About 10 or 12 years ago I asked for a non-smoking room at a French hotel. The front desk clerk looked at me, shrugged his shoulders, and said "don't smoke".

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671 posts

Many B&Bs will be smoke-free. I would pick one you like and check with the owners about their policy. I don't think any of the places we stayed had smoking rooms. (Pensions, B&Bs, hostels, or hotels- we tried everything!) My husband smokes, and there was no place he smoked inside on the trip, except the little smoking rooms at the Frankfurt airport. The rest of us have allergies.

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9142 posts

Cate is right, there are more non-smoking places than smoking. My husband is a smoker and he always has to go outside to smoke no matter where we have stayed. Italy, France, Normandy, England, and yes even here in Germany.

Sad to say, but even in hotels that are non-smoking, there will be those people that smoke in the room anyway. Smokers do not smell this, they really do not have a clue that this smell lingers in EVERYTHING. They think, oh, just open the window and it will be ok. Its raining and I don't feel like walking down 3 flights of steps and back up again. Just this once can't matter. So, 2 days later, you check into the room and wonder why this non-smoking room or hotel smells like smoke. Having been a hotel manager, I have had to deal with guests that do this. It is hard to be tactful. Do you ask them to leave, charge them cleaning costs, or just make a note to clean the room extra well afterwards?

Do contact the hotel or B&B or Pension or look at their website if they have one. Then you will know for sure.