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Noel in Paris

My wife and I have been to Paris 9 times, but always in August / vacation time. However, she seems to have this thing about spending Christmas in Paris. Especially since we purchased the Rick Steves' European Christmas DVD. Looks like a good idea. But I am the one who usually plans our vacations and, this time, I don't know what to do, or where to go, in order to celebrate Christmas in Paris next year. Any suggestions? P.S. We speak French and do not have a problem being in a French-speaking-only environment.

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33183 posts

Its late on Christmas Day in Paris. I'm confused. Are you speaking of 366 days from now, or do you mean for the rest of tonight?

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144 posts

i just came back from paris. i spent a nice week and a half and spent christmas there. basically there is no difference when planning for that time of year vs other times, well for the most part if you want a hotel just fidn one and book early, or get an apartment. besides the christmas markets (really only ones worth seeing are la defense and elysees) and some other things like ice skating its the same paris you see in the other seasons. still pretty, still crowded, just can be cold (or like it was this year upper 40f to 50's) its just presents sometimes a different feeling with the christmas atmosphere, but as for doing things, the same things are there you did the previous 9 times. so if you dont go for typical sight seeing and only go because you love it, and 9 times seems you go because you love it there than just go like you usually do and basically prepare for the weather

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635 posts

I was there for the first week of December. The Christmas markets were just getting started. My wife and I were not particuarly impressed with them as places to do any shopping but they were picturesque. There are some other decorations around but nothing real fancy by US standards. I think Germany pushes the seasonal aspect a lot more. The best thing about early December was the absence of any serious crowds. We could go and see what we wanted whenever we wanted. There was no line at the Eiffel Tower when we went but there was a short one to go to the very top. Versailles was almost abandoned. I think the docents outnumbered the visitors in the morning. It did pick up a little in the afternoon. It was pretty much the same tale at the other museums and restaurants. It was cold by my south Texas standards but you should be in your element. The lowest of the lows was just above freezing. Highs were usually in the upper 40s to low 50s. It rained every other day but never really hard or for too long.