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NO hostels or hotels near Avignon, Nimes, Perpignan, etc in late April 2012

Am I missing something? Am I chronologically challenged here? I'm playing around with some hostel booking sites looking for a room--any room--near Perpignan in late April 2012 and every city or town I try comes up "no rooms available". I'm starting to think Augusta, GA, during Masters Week! Is there something special about the last week in April in that part of southern France that I'm overlooking?

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3985 posts

I went to and found 19 out of 23 hotels in Perpignan had rooms available--many for about $110 per night for a double for 4 nights, April 27 - April 30.

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2829 posts

Hotels - many of them. Just check booking, Venere and other sites! Hostels - not many of them, and they don't upload their data in such advance. Hostels cater mostly for a young crowd, and have a hard time getting business in locations that are somehow overlooked by the college-age crowd travel on budget.

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306 posts

OK. Thx. I need to keep looking...on some other sites, too. I appreciate knowing there is not necessarily something special going on then, there.

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1525 posts

I have no idea what hostels might be located there to choose from, but generally speaking, the hostel web sites tend to not book that far in advance and they may show that they are "full" simply because the system isn't up yet for those dates. The solution is simple; email them and ask for a room. I have made many reservations this way. Good luck!

Posted by
306 posts

John, Thx for another site to look at. Randy, thx for the tip on why sites might not have any rooms so far in advance. I hadn't thought of that at all.