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New Year's Eve in Paris

What is the "Times Square" of Paris? Where is the place to be in Paris on New Year's Eve?

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2030 posts

I would guess the Eiffel Tower, or along the Champs Elysee.

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12040 posts

The fireworks are usually centered around the Eifel Tower, so either La Champs du Mar or the steps leading to the Trocadero (think of the famous picture of Hitler with the Tower in the background for an idea of the view) would probably suit your needs.

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10357 posts

I was in Paris last NYE and there weren't any fireworks.

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13 posts

Thanks for the replies.

Eli, guess your comment was deleted, but I'm jealous too, because I'm not asking for myself!

I would love to be in Paris for the holidays too.

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172 posts

Eiffel Tower and along the Champs Elysee. Very crowed, lots of security. No fireworks and no real countdown, but lots of lights! Around midnight eveybody looks towards the Eiffel Tower and caries their own champagne! We were there last New Years Eve. You can see our pictures at