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Neuschwantstein Scaffold Situation

I am creating my itinerary for Bavaria-May '09, including a possible visit to Neuschwanstein castle. The most current internet photos I can find (11/08) show scaffolding covering practically one entire side. I understand that old buildings need to be maintained, but the exterior of this castle is a major part of its appeal, and I would enjoy viewing from Marienbrucke. Would anyone have a recent report of the Neuschwantstein scaffold situation? Thanks.

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671 posts

We didn't go up the Marienbrucke side, but we were there in December, and didn't see a bit of scaffolding anywhere.

Posted by
42 posts

We were there mid-october and there was scaffolding all over the one side. So, if you go to the bridge (St. Mary's??) to get that fantastic shot... it will all be of scaffolding. I don't know when they'll be finished.

Oh, i just re-read your post and you found pics from november... so yes... scaffolding.

Posted by
354 posts

Thanks for the info. I've seen plenty of scaffolding in Europe already, so I may give Neuschwantstein a pass on this trip. Is there possibly a "runner-up" castle somewhere in Bavaria (other than Hohenschwangau and Linderhof), with an exterior even remotely similar to Neuschw. or Burg Eltz?

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485 posts

We were at Neuschwanstein mid-December and didn't see any scaffolding. We took some great photos.

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671 posts

Ok- I went back and looked at pics- in one picture, I can see scaffolding on a tiny piece on one side. I had some great pics, otherwise, though.

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2779 posts

In April 2008 the state of Bavaria started major construction works on Neuschwanstein castle to ensure that by 2011, 125 years after his death, the castle looks exactly like Ludwig II had dreamed it. Those construction works include the set-up of a missing tower that was meant to be the visual highlight of the castle.

Posted by
386 posts

To what Andreas mentioned: a parking garage is being built as well, to make room for Open-Air events and concerts where the big parking lot is now. Also a visiting center, work on the foundation and a furnicular of sorts, up to the castle. The links below do not provide much information on this, but I will keep looking to see what I can find out.

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7209 posts

Seems a little "over-the-top" to cancel your plans to see this beautiful area and castles just because there is some scaffolding...

Of course if your entire purpose to visit is to take photographs then maybe I can understand. But this is probably one of the most photographed castles in the world. Chances are if you can't get that perfect shot then you can just download or buy one of the other 15 bazillion perfect shots that already exist :-)

Posted by
1 posts

Does anyone have an update on the scaffolding situation at Neuschwanstein castle? DOnt want my photos from Marienbrucke mired!

Posted by
719 posts

I was there over Christmas, and I didn't see any scaffolding. Due to snow and Ice, the access to the bridge was closed, so I didn't go to the bridge, but I didn't head to that side of the castle to check out the view and didn't notice anything.

Posted by
34 posts

Yeah I was there last summer and there was scaffolding. I felt kind of ripped off when I got to Mary's bridge only to see crappy scaffolding.

But don't let that ruin it. Definately a must see, and definately well worth the trip from Munich. Better if you stay and enjoy the bath in Fussen

Posted by
18 posts

Some scaffolding was still there as of May 27th. I too would have preferred that it not be there, but it was and it didn't look like they in the process of taking it down. While there isn't so much scaffolding that it completely ruins the view, it would interfere with a once in a lifetime type picture. It only really covers the very lowest portion of the castle on the Marienbrucke side, maybe just the bottom 10% or so. It's really not too bad.