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NeuSchwanstein: Crispy balls of doughy goodness

Not sure where to ask this so if I'm wrong I apologize but...

We just returned from Germany/Austria trip and mid-way up (or down) from the castle was a stand selling a treat that we need info on. For 2 Euros you get three balls of fried dough with powdered sugar. It was cold and wet and watching these cook and then eating them was great. The outside is crisp while the inside turns into its own hot runny filling. Anyone know what these are or if there is a recipe or something for them? Thanks in advance.

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19232 posts

Sounds like a variation on the infamous Schneeballen from Rothenburg, although I believe those are baked, not fried.

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10 posts

We did the dreaded Schnee in Rothenburg. Different animal entirely.

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28 posts

Oh YUM!!! I had some of those, and thought I could have eaten a dozen all by myself they were so good. Well, according to my mother who I was with and who is German, they were a version of a pfannkuchen Berliner. Not sure if that is right, but that is what she thought. I think you could find a recipe if you google that. Good Luck.

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216 posts

. . . and without filling? Then they probably are Baked Mice (Gebackene Mäuse) - If they have an irregular surface, they may be another dessert: Affen (Monkeys), but that requires a special ladle for deep frying.

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671 posts

Quark is a kind-of yummy soft cheese/yogurt. hmmm..