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We leave on our first Europe trip tomorrow...Paris from 7-11 through 7-20 and we are so damn nervous. Will the debit cards work? Will there be a strike? Will it be rainy? Will the sitter take good care of the dog? Will we look stupid dressed as insular Americans? Will I sound dumb trying to wing speaking French by mixing it up with Spanish? Are we taking too many clothes? Are we taking too little clothes? How am I gonna be able to sneak a cigarette with my wife with me while I'm over there?

I gotta take my ritalin and chill! Seriously though, we are very excited, but in a good way.

Posted by
16036 posts

The answers are: yes, maybe, maybe, yes,yes,yes,yes, no, I don't know but take mints.

It's Paris. Who cares what anyone else thinks. It's Paris.


Posted by
506 posts

Paris has had a mix of rain and sun this week with the temperatures in the low to mid 70s.

No strikes planned. Monday is a holiday and many of the Parisians are heading out - I myself am of to Montreux for the Jazz festival and some relaxation along the lake.

Send your wife into Louis Vuitton (without the debt card for a short cig break with for a long one). There is a bench just outside the entrance (not really visible unless she is standing outside the door).

Will you sound dumb? probably - but then most do. Will you look stupid - probably - just leave the black socks at home and you are already ahead of the game. You are who you are. The truth is, as much as the French grumble, they need the Americans speaking poor French looking like the do to keep this economy going. Otherwise, they really will have to say good-bye to the 35 hour work week.

I wish you both a lovely holiday. When all else fails, take a glass of wine and watch the lights of the Eiffel Tower - it always solves my troubles.

Bon courage!!!!

Posted by
919 posts

Good luck, John! I've been to Europe ten times, and I still worry about stuff like this before all my trips. I could go on 100 trips and still never really get a handle on the clothing situation!

You will have an amazing time and if anything goes wrong, it'll probably be something small that will make a good story later on.

Have fun!

Posted by
273 posts

My husband and I were just in Paris for our first European trip & were were nervous as well. But it was so exciting. The debit cards will work but you will not be able to take out as much cash per day as you can in the US. Will there be a strike? Probably, we were in Europe 3 weeks and encountered 5 strikes in France & Spain. We took too may clothes and mailed a box home, it's so great to not have to drag things around! Have a great trip!!!

Posted by
1455 posts

John, I was there last week and I know very little French like bare bones basic like Bonjour, Merci, and "Do you speak English" (parlez vous anglais). I do know Spanish and I did catch myself saying Hola, instead of Bonjour.

I took my trusty phrase book, my 2 debit cards, my money belt, and had a great time!

The best part of going tomorrow is the sales are still going on in Paris. Pack light and bring home some Parisian clothes.

Just have fun, don't worry about the "what if". If you start thinking about the Pet Sitter, call her. Just remember the time difference.

And if you need to sneak that cigarette... That's easy. As Jona suggested.... send the wife inside the store, and you just got to find that "toilet".

Posted by
1568 posts

Many of us have had the same worries. Believe me it will all work out and you will have a very nice and enjoyable trip. Sound like you have done your homework.


Posted by
694 posts

john don't worry about the speaking french, canadian french is my first language and while in paris i would speak to them in french and they would answer me in english! just trying makes them happy!
you will have a great trip don't worry!

Posted by
258 posts

I am soooo jealous!! Enjoy it's Paris :)
Like someone else said - underpack on the clothes and just buy some there. I did this last time and love all my new clothing, and hey if you buy clothes over there you stand less of a chance of looking like an "insular Americans." I speak no French, just read a bit of Spanish and I got along just fine. My phrasebook came in handy a few times, but really I didn't need it. I learned some pleasantries and that was helpful.

Posted by
54 posts

I was in Paris last week and once you are there you can relax a little and pretty soon you will be comfortable. Everyone was very friendly and helpful. We have been e-mailing our house/pet sitter daily and it feels good to get a daily report,our hotel had free WiFi. We got a little rain, it didnt keep us from getting around on the Metro or busses.Enjoy!

Posted by
31 posts

even short phrases like Bon Jour and counting up to five in french shows you are trying to speak the language and is enough. You are anticipating things and that's natural. Half the fun of traveling is imagining what it will be like. My 18 year old daughter and I just came back from three weeks in Switzerland and had a blast. She did find out that I snore and now tells me that she won't travel with me again! Good! Time for her to spread her wings. She has had a taste of traveling and now she can't wait to go again...this time with a friend her own age.
John, you are probaly in transit right now. Be prepared to be "over-stiulated" for a few days. That's natural too!
Enjoy the food and culture...Bon Appetitte!

Posted by
2758 posts

How do you dress as an insular American? You are American -- be proud of it! Just be friendly and polite and open to new experiences (not a demanding or complaining oaf) and you will be fine. No one will have any reason not to like you.

Have fun!

Posted by
193 posts

Just drop the puck John!

You'll have the time of your life, and will have a good laugh over the little things that will happen.


Posted by
4 posts

It's normal to be nervous. It will be a culture shock. I advise the following: expect to be nervous; expect the unexpected; learn to say "please, thank you, and I'm sorry" in French; don't judge; laugh at everything that goes wrong. You're on an adventure! Anything can happen. Finally, remember that in Paris you are in a big city. Don't expect the natives to be bursting with warmth and friendship anymore than you would expect the average New Yorker to be. I also follow one simple rule: if the waiters are wearing matching outfits, I don't eat there.

Posted by
3261 posts

Have a great time and please post a trip report! Can hardly wait to hear about your adventures in Paris!