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Needs Suggestions for Must See Sites in Holland

We are compiling ideas for a spring trip to Holland with an emphasis on the lovely tulip season. May I have suggestions for must see sites and festivals so that we don't miss anything? Also, we would like to see any historical or beautiful areas while there.

Keep traveling.

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408 posts


I really enjoyed Alsmeer. It is a large flower warehouse where they sell flowers all over the world. I also liked Arnham, I'm not sure how you spell it. They have a large outdoor museum. It show every day life of the Dutch. They should both be in The Rick Steve's book. We were on the Best of Europe tour when we visited both of there sights. The little shops where they make the wooden shoe's is intesting too. Have a fun trip!

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8293 posts

I'll let others answer about sites and festivals, etc., but I want to tell you that one year we stayed in a B&B at a farm house in the middle of vast fields of tulips in bloom. It was an amazing sight. ("And oft when on my couch I lie, in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude".)

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875 posts

You didn't say when you were planning to be in Holland, but here is a word of warning....we went to Amsterdam last year in early May and couldn't get tickets to tour Keukenhoff because the tulips, etc. had already bloomed out. A major disappointment. I would go earlier in April.

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178 posts

Janis, thanks, I'm afraid that I would have made the same mistake. However thanks to you, we will plan to go in April so that we can visit the Kuekenhoff Gardens. It has been a definite on our list for years. Whew! Thanks!

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108 posts

Charlene, Something you may want to look into is the bulb district's Flower Pageant on April 25th, 2009. I have not seen it, but it appears to be a large scale event attended by thousands along the 40km parade route. Go to their website for details:

Click on the British flag at lower left for the English version.

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178 posts

Gina, thanks so much. I have heard about. A friend was there once and said that it was fantastic!

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108 posts

You're so welcome! I'm assuming you already have the website for Keukenhof, but just in case: You will find the opening dates, and times, plus other useful info about the gardens.
Have a wonderful trip and enjoy the beautiful flowers!!!

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1358 posts

Before I went last year I did several searches on the web for pages describing the peak blossom time and the harvest time. You will find it for next April if you look. Use and search for 'tulips', 'tulip harvest', 'tulip tours' and any other subject you choose.

After my search we were able to arrive on the last day before they started cutting. All the fields were in their glory.

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27 posts

I'd definitely stay in Haarlem, as it's so close to the bulb fields and you can rent a car and drive around easily. Besides, it's a nice little city with lots of nice places to eat and stay. We lived there until a year ago and I'd be glad to make suggestions.

Definitely go to the flower auction. It's amazing. Be sure and get there very early, as Rick suggests.

I'd also definitely make a trip to Kinderdijk and to Zaanse Schans, to see the windmills. Kinderdijk is a Unesco World Heritage site, but it's often overlooked on tours. It's a beautiful area and you'll be glad you went.

Driving up and across the enclosing dyke and then down the coastline to the pretty villages of Hindeloopen and Makkum will show you the side of Holland that you always hoped to see... It's beautiful. Hoorne is also a lovely place.

As far as history goes, you could go to Leiden to the Pilgrim's Museum. If you're in Haarlem, don't miss the Corrie ten Boom House. There's a little bit of preaching that goes with it, but it's a fascinating story about how the Dutch handled themselves during WWII. Have a wonderful trip. Linda

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349 posts

My favorite site in netherland is the open air museum in Arnhem about an hour from A-dam ( like Williamsberg )