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Need suggestions Austria, Germany, Switzerland trip in July. Please help!

I am a single mom planning a trip with my 2 young children (8yrs old) and my mom for the end of July. We will spend the first week on a tour of Italy then rent a car in Venice for one week in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland.

I have been diagnosed with cancer and do not know how long I will have good health and this will probably be my elderly mom’s last trip. I want to make this trip special but I still need to watch the budget. I need advice on my plan, what not to miss, places to stay, and best prices for Jungfraujoch train trip. This is my plan:

Week 2:

Day 1 – Pick up car in Venice and drive to Reutte, Austria. Stay in Jugendgastehaus Graben (note: After I made my reservation, I saw some negative reviews and found it has been removed from RS's 2008 book. Anyone have some inside info? Should I stay somewhere else?)

Day 2 – Tour King Ludwig’s castels. Stay same place as 1st night

Day 3 – Tour Munich and Dachau. Find a place to stay near by.

Day 4 – Travel towards the Black Forrest Tour German clock Museum in Furtwangen and Black Forrest Museum in Triberg. Find place to stay the night.

Day 5 – Travel to Grimmelwald. Stay at Esther Guesthouse (3 nights). (How is crime? I am leaving the car parked in Stechelberg.)

Day 6 – Go to Schiltorn for breakfast. Look around Murren and hike to Grimmelwald.

Day 7 – Take train from Lauterbrunnen to Jungfraujoch and back. (Before going back up to Gimmelwald, should I take the car and do some sight seeing?)

Day 8 – Travel back to Venice. Find place to stay.

Day 9 - Leave for Florida at 10AM.

My concerns are:

  • Should I skip the Black Forrest and go elsewhere?
  • Timing? Am I trying to do to much?
  • Staying in Reutte?
  • Finding places to stay?
  • How is crime?
  • Altitude sickness and weather in Swiss Alps, should we bring coats? We are Floridians.
Posted by
12040 posts

Here are some suggestions- Days 3-4 are too full. Certainly, traveling from Reutte, you could technically visit both Munich and Dachau, but you won't have time to do much more than arrive and get briefly settled. Likewise, you'll spend several hours in the car the next day and you'll probably only have time to see one attraction in the Black Forest before leaving for the Berner Oberland the next day. Your timetable for the Berner Oberland is more reasonable, but coming and going up and down the Schilthorn and Jungfrau several times is EXTREMELY expensive for 4 people. You may want to consider staying somewhere in the valley after visiting the Jungfraujoch, rather than paying to ride back up to Gimmelwald again... of course, you could hike up for free...

Posted by
850 posts

First off Cindy, I am sorry to hear about your cancer. With that and with this trip being possibly your elderly mother's last trip I can understand your wanting to see all the sites that you can. I would however consider changing the itinerary. With your 2 young children and your mother this sounds like it could be very tiring on them. All of the places you are planning on going to are great and you would certainly enjoy them. Maybe you could prioritize the places on your list and leave on the ones that you have your heart set on seeing and eliminate the ones toward the bottom of the list. Some of that could depend on location as well. I think the Munich-Dachau part could be a little aggressive. Also, Triberg is a little out of the way so that might be one you would want to consider eliminating. If you go to you can get an idea of travel time and estimated costs for fuel, etc. Going through Austria you will need to purchase a Vignette sticker for your car if you are driving on the Autobahn. You can purchase one at the border along with the orange vests that are also required. The Vignette sticker for Austria can be purchased for as little as 10 days. Switzerland also requires a sticker but they only offer a one year sticker so it is a more expensive.
I have not tried to find places to stay in July but have in May and June. Did not have a problem for those two months and we did have a car. Take a RS guide book and call some of the places he has listed as you travel. Concerning crime just be careful and alert about your surroundings and you should be fine. Yes, take a coat because it can get cool in the higher elevations in the summer months. If you would get a gps it would make your driving easier. Good luck.

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17228 posts

Hello Cindy,

As a cancer survivor myself, I wish you the best for the success of your treatment. I travelled to Switzerland a month after completing radiation, and we had a wonderful time.

Like the others, I think you are trying to do to much. Touring Munich and Dachau is not something to do in a day from Reutte, and Dachau might not be suitable for the children anyway. The castles are a great thing to visit from a base in Reutte---be sure and see the ruined castle Ehernberg which is right there. If you are hesitating about the Jugendgastehaus, you might try Zum Schluxen.

For Switzerland, you have some expensive trips planned. I believe the Jungfraujoch trip is around 160 CHF from Lauterbrunnen. You'll want some kind of pass that reduces the rate by 50%---maybe a Half Fare Card, plus a Family Card so the children are free. Read the information on this website about train passes in Switzerland; hopefully maybe someone here will have good information on this.

You'll only want to go up there is the weather is good. But you might consider alternatives---such as the cablecar from Wengen up to Mannlichen, and a level walk to Kleine Scheidegg from there (unless that would be too much for your mother). You'll definitely want jackets for any time spent in the mountains---it can be chilly even in Gimmelwald.

On the way back, if your plane is at 10 am you'll want to stay pretty close to Marco Polo airport, and allow time to return the rental car. If the rental office doesn't open until 8 am, that is cutting it very close. You may need to return the car the night before, and then stay in Mestre, with a cab to and from the hotel. (Or stay in Venice with a water taxi to the airport).

Posted by
591 posts

Yes, you are doing too much. I'd suggest skipping both the Black Forest and Munich/Dachau. The 2 museums in the Black Forest are 'okay', but not worth all that driving to get there. The Munich area has very heavy traffic congestion which may give you problems, and I'm not sure if Dachau is the best place to take very young children. Instead, Day 1 could be to Innsbruck or no farther than Mittenwald. Day 2, you could go to Schwangau/Fussen for 2 nights and stop off to see Garmisch, Oberammergau/Linderhof Palace and the Wies Kirche on the way. As Tom mentioned, a trip up to the Jungfraujoch is extremely expensive, and you might replace it with a trip up the Zugspitze (at Garmisch) which is almost as good and a lot cheaper. Day 3 visit the Royal Castles. Day 4 could be somewhere between the castles & the Interlaken area, like at Lake Constance or Lucerne. The 3 days in the Interlaken area look fine, except that staying in the valley (like Lauterbrunnen) may be better if you think there might be a problem dealing with the altitude. A sweatshirt should be enough in July.
I'm assuming you have already booked roundtrip Orlando-Venice flights, otherwise,returning from Zurich would be something to check out.
Have a great trip...

Posted by
408 posts

I am so sorry about your cancer. I will include you in my prayers. I have not been to the Black Forrest, so I cannot advise on that. I took my kids to Europe and they enjoyed Rothenburg. ( small walled city) We drove to Rothenburg and stayed one night and then drove to Dachau for a tour the next day. Switzerland is my favorite country in Europe. It is expensive so buy a swiss flexi pass to save on the trains and high mountain lifts. It takes some study on the different passes so do your homework. I think the kids and you would enjoy the Ballenburg out door museum near Interlaken. The swiss pass covers the train to the museum and the entrance fee. You can also take a steamer on Lake Briens for free too with the pass. I did not see any crime when I was in Europe the last 5 years. I always feel safe and I think the car would be fine. i did not have any altitude problems. The hiking may be harder on the top, but it is still enjoyable. It is cold on the top of the mountains so take a jacket. You need to layer cloths because it can get warm too. It is Beautiful and you will love it!

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3 posts

Thanks for all the good information I will need to check out all the links.

I am still wondering if Munich to Gimmelwald would be quicker than Munich to Furtwagen to Gimmelwald. Google maps says it is 80 miles shorter and takes 30 minutes less from Munich to Gimmelwald but it is all through the alps where the other way is autobaun.

I need to find out where the castle is that we can stay in the kids would love that.

Another question: A friend has offered to give me a GMS phone she purchased for Irland last year. Will this work in Switzerland, Germany, Italy or Austria?

Posted by
850 posts

If she used it in Ireland it will work in the countries where you are traveling. If your friend has used the phone in the U.S. since her return from Ireland the frequency will need to be changed to 900/1800 for use in Europe. North America operates on 1900. The phone may change bands automatically or you may have to change it manually which is not a problem. If she has not used it since her return it may be on the right frequency already. Easy to check. I am assuming the phone is sim unlocked since she has used it in Ireland so the next step is to get a sim card. You can get a sim card for each country as you go or you can get roaming sim cards for multiple countries. You can purchase them before you go and keep the same phone number throughout your trip which you can leave with relatives and friends if they need to reach you. Incoming calls will not be charged against your air time but will be to the ones making the call. You will have to purchase extra air time if you run out on your initial card which is likely since the initial card has very limited air time. If you wait and purchase the cards upon arrival I believe it will be cheaper but you will have different phone numbers each time you purchase a new card. That may not matter to you. Here is a link with Telestial that tells about sim cards.
Your friend has made a nice offer to let you have the GSM unlocked phone.
You also might check with your cell provider and see what kind of deal they have for international calling.

Posted by
26 posts

Cindy, first off, your first day sounds very long, (fly to europe, pick up car, drive through 3 countries). Good luck. But I understand you are pressed for time. I would suggest driving straight to Munich first, as it would set your next locations in a much better geographical loop. After such a long day, you need at least 2 nights in Munich, and 3 if you want to see Dachau. I would then travel south to Reutte, or Fussen, and stay the night. Tour the castles the next day, and then either stay another night or head straight to Grimmelwald. I would skip the black forrest, it is just not worth the effort, and if you were concidering it, the stay an extra night in Reutte. Your trip is going to involve a lot of driving, but that is ok as this is one of the most beautiful places on earth to drive. If should be nice weather, but remember you are in the mountains, so maybe a light windbreaker, but still try to pack as light as possible (one bag per person). Also, when driving from Reutte to Grimmelwald, head west out of Reutte, on 198 towards Switzerland, and enjoy the most scenic drive of your life. Have fun!

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32320 posts

Cindy, I'm very sorry to hear about your Cancer. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

The first thought that occurs to me is that your Itinerary is a bit "busy", considering you'll be travelling with an elderly lady and two 8-year olds. Keep in mind that July in Europe will probably be hot & crowded, and you don't want to make the trip too tiring for your group.

For touring the "Mad King's" Castles, you might need to reserve early, considering the time of year? Hopefully one of the group here can comment on that.

One day is not much time for touring Munich and Dachau. You could perhaps park the car at your Hotel in Munich and then take a walking tour of Munich and the half-day tour to Dachau. I used Radius Tours, and they take care of all the arrangements. It would give you a break from driving for the day. I'll let you decide whether Dachau might be too "intense" for your children. It's somewhat "sanitized" compared to Auschwitz, and given that they might not completely understand what the camp was used for, it might be OK?

I suspect you might need Day 4 as a travel day, as it's a bit of a drive from Munich to Gimmelwald. Esther's Guesthouse is a good choice; it was expanded in the fall of 2006. I doubt that "crime" would be a problem in the car park in Stechelberg, but perhaps someone else can comment on that. Be sure that your children don't wander too far, as Gimmelwald is close to a large cliff!

Going to the Schilthorn for breakfast is a good idea if your budget will stand it. The view is incredible! The first gondola in the morning is discounted I believe, and there are also discounts with Swiss Rail Passes. Although the Schilthorn is at 10K feet, I didn't notice any problems with the altitude. You can buy your tickets at the Gimmelwald lift station. Note that you'll be taking three Gondolas to get to the Schilthorn.


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32320 posts


A light coat might be a good idea even in July, given the fact that you're from Florida. You might consider going from Gimmelwald to the Schilthorn and on the way down travel only as far as Murren. It's an easy (paved) 30 minute hike from Murren to Gimmelwald.

If you have a limited budget, I would drop the Jungfraujoch from your list, as it's very "pricey", and I suspect you might be better to take a few days here and there to "recharge your batteries". You might consider a visit to Trummelbach Falls or a trip on the Allmend-Hubel Funicular and then hike down (it's not a difficult hike as it's all downhill, but does take about an hour or so).

I suspect you've already bought your air tickets, but rather than returning to Venice for your flight home, it would have been a lot easier (and probably less stressful) to use open-jaw tickets and fly from somewhere closer to Gimmelwald. The car rental firm would probably prefer the vehicle is returned somewhere in Italy, so Milano might be one possibility.

You might consider taking a GPS unit as well as some good Maps, and be sure to get adequate car insurance!

Good luck and hope you have a wonderful trip!

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4 posts

I second everyone who says you are trying to do too much and should prioritize and eliminate some places on your itinerary.

Another question: Have you driven in Europe before, specifically Italy, and are you used to mountain driving? Drivers are a lot more aggressive than the U.S., everyone tailgates by U.S. standards, and roads are more crowded. While I have driven, I don't find it particularly relaxing. Have you considered limiting yourself to places accessible by train, and giving up on the car?

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8 posts

Hi Cindy,

My husband, parents and I spent a week making day trips from Oberstaufen Germany a few years ago and visited Neuschweinstein. I found the castle to be interesting and a worthwhile destination. There is a rather steep walk to the castle from the parking lot and I vaguely recall that no transportation options existed (at least when we visited). My mother, who has difficulty walking, did make it up the hill but it was very slow going. Also, we never were able to find the vantage point from which all those great pictures are taken - could see virtually nothing of the castle from our approach - perhaps there is a different way. I loved the town of Lindau on Lake Constance and the Walsertal, a beautiful valley in Austria only accessible from Germany. If you choose to skip Munich/Dachau and if your driving route takes you near these areas, you might consider one of them.

We spent a week in Murren 2 years ago and it was a truly breathtaking little village. Gimmelwald, a gondola stop below Murren, is just darling - you will love it. We took the gondola to the Schilthorn. Very expensive and when we got to the top, it clouded over and we could see vitually nothing. Did not do the Jungfraujoch but did take the gondola to Mannlichen then walked 1 hour on nearly flat terrain to Kleine Scheidig. I believe the train to Jungfraujoch stops in Kleine Scheidig. You'll have great views from here if you are unable to get to the top. It is where the Eiger Sanction was filmed.

I'm biased, but I would err on the side of spending as much time as you can in the Bernese Oberland - I have never seen a valley as beautiful as the Lauterbrunnen. And when the sun is out, the twin lakes are gorgeous! I don't think you need to worry about leaving your car in Stechelberg. If you want easier access to Interlaken, Wengen, Grindewald, Schynige Platte, etc., I would stay in Lauterbrunnen. It sits squarely in the middle of all. Have a great trip!