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Need help with Paris itinerary (first time)

I am flying in to Paris on the morning of Sunday August 3rd (8:45) and have five days and nights in Paris.

I know the first Sunday of the month, museums are free. However, a sizeable crowd will likely be at each museum because of this. I plan on getting the Paris Museum Pass (which costs money anyway) so should I spend Sunday doing non-museum things? I thought about doing Rick's Paris walk, but then I end up eating a day out of my Museum Pass because Rick includes the Saint Chappelle and Conciergerie in it.

I was thinking of modifying Rick's itinerary from this webpage: Is this good for a first timer?

Last question: For nightlife purposes when do the last Paris trains run? I here it is 12:45am.

Posted by
805 posts

I generally like Rick's itinerary but would allow more time to wander Paris without museum time. Some of my best times in the City of Lights involve just randomly walking around the city and eventually stumbling on some wonderful places.

Also do yourself a favor and limit your time in the Louvre to a few hours. It is very easy to overload, although if you do a good Parisian lunch is a nice cure.

As for the metro system, it runs from about 5 AM-1 AM each day.

Posted by
79 posts

Rick mentions like 7-10 museums in his Paris book. A bit excessive I thought.

What are some of your favorite places that you have run into?

Posted by
8700 posts

Riding the Balabus on Sunday afternoon would give you a good above-ground introduction to Paris. You could stroll a bit before and/or after the bus ride. Exploring the area around your hotel, looking for cafes and pastry shops and other interesting places to visit during your stay, would be a good thing to do on Sunday.

Since I love Impressionist art, my favorite one-stop museum is the Musee d'Orsay. If you particularly like Monet, be sure to visit the Musee Marmottan (not covered by the museum pass) and the Musee de l'Orangerie (covered by the pass). There also are a few Monet paintings at the Musee d'Orsay--along with many works by other Impressionist painters.

Posted by
805 posts


I really can't say. For me just wandering the streets of Paris is fabulous in and of itself.

Posted by
3261 posts

I always like doing at least one museum visit on the day I arrive because I'm usually sleepy from the flight and it gives me a confined space to rest and see some amazing art--I'm not sure how crowded museums will be on the first Sunday. It might not be at the top of everyone's list but I always visit Napoleons's Tomb at les Invalides church. I also love walking on Ile St. Louis! Sounds like you've got your itinerary firmed up--have a great trip!

Posted by
79 posts

What about night clubs, the opera, and symphonies? I assume they have dress codes (and reservations for the latter two).

Posted by
13 posts

For me, the must-see museums are D'Orsay and Rodin. D'Orsay has a really lovely restaurant with a nice (not-so-cheap) lunch, or you could stop by for a snack in the afternoon. Try to do the Rodin on a non-rainy day so that you can enjoy the garden. I suppose if you've never been to Paris, you have to go the Louvre because it's the Louvre. But I much prefer the art at D'Orsay.

Honestly, you could spend all your time in museums, but that would be a shame because you'd miss Paris. Just walk around neighborhoods and duck into little shops, markets and cafes.

To answer your question about museums being crowded on the first Sunday of the month, I just don't know.

Have fun-- Paris is the best!

Posted by
9084 posts

If you are not a museum person then don't go to one. If your are then see the Museum D'Orsey, the Rodin Museum and the Louvre but NOT all on the same day.

Like other posters I wander the first day of arrival. Checking out what is nearby my hotel. For first timers the Rue Cler neighborhood is great. Stroll over to the Tower Effiel just before the sun sets. Find a bench in the park to sit on and watch the Tower light up. THAT's when you'll say, "Wow, I'm in Paris!" Then walk underneath it and keeping walking toward the river and over the river and over to the Champs-Ellsees. All lite up at night....tres bon!

Posted by
12040 posts

There is no dress code for the opera or symphonies. Nobody will stop you if you wear a T-shirt and jeans, but you'll stick out. But most orchestras and opera companies in Europe and the US are on holiday in August, so you probably won't be able to attend either.

Posted by
2092 posts

Bonjour RD,
Maybe you would consider doing Rick's walk but not go into the sites and save them for one of your museum days. The walk would help orient you and soaking up the atmosphere is one of the joys of Paris.

Posted by
108 posts

Since you are arriving on a Sunday, you need to be aware that most of the major museums are closed on either Mondays or Tuesdays. RS's book lists the museums and the day each is closed. The pass is activated the first time you use it and must be used on consecutive days once it's validated. You might consider going out to Montmartre/Sacre Coeur on Sunday. It's free, so it would not affect your pass. Also, you might be interested in getting a 2 day pass on the hop-on, hop-off bus. I think the yellow L'Open Tours is better than the red bus company. The L'Open buses run 4 routes and the pass is good on all routes. Ashley

Posted by
79 posts

Here is my attempt at a preliminary itinerary given your advice, RS's book, and Frommer's step by step:
I have decided to take a neighborhood by neighborhood approach. Some places I have left open because I have not yet decided what to do. I looked at museum dates to make sure I have not scheduled a visit when the museum is closed. I know I said I wasn't that much of a museums guy, but I left them in my itinerary anyway. I have a bunch of holes (TBD) including one full day (August 13th) where I don't know what to do. Advice is welcome. I have hit every major neighorhood listed in RS' book.

PS: In case you are wondering, I am in Italy for 6 days and nights and I fly back to Paris the morning of the 13th (and go home the 14th). I know, should have open jawed it. Live and learn.

Sunday August 3rd
10-1 Marais Walk (from Frommer's day by day).

1-8 Reverse Historic Paris Walk/Latin Quarter Walk/ St. Germain Walk. I will start at Pont Neuf and follow Rick's HP Walk until the Latin Quarter, than do the St. Germain and Latin Quarter walks listed in Frommer's Day-by-Day. After those walks I pick the Historic Paris walk back up at Notre Dame and end at the Islands at night. I have done it in reverse because the Conciergerie, Cluny, and Saint Chappelle will be closed if I save them for the night.

8-10: Night life TBD
10-12: Night life TBD

Monday August 4th
8-12 Louvre, Orangerie, Tuileries
12-4 Montmartre Walk and Sacre Couer (Frommer's DbyD)
4-6 TBD
6-8 Champs Elyssees and the Arc de Triomphe
8-10: Night Life TBD
10-12: Night Life TBD

Tuesday August 5th
8-12 Orsday, Rodin, Army Museum
12-4 TBD
4-6 TBD
6-8 Eiffel Tower
8-10 Night Life TBD
10-12 Night Life TBD

Wednesday August 6th
9-5 Versailles
5-6 Train Back
6-8 TBD
8-10 TBD
10-12 TBD

Wednesday August 13th
TBD: More Paris, or a day trip? Mont St. Michel?