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need child care in Paris

My husband, our son and I will be in Paris for 5 days. We really want to go out one night for an adult only date. Is this possible? He is 9yrs old. any ideas? or recommendations?

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8293 posts

Try the website and click on "A to Z", and you will find babysitting services. NB: This is just an idea not a recommendation.

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11507 posts

Are you staying at a nice hotel,, some offer access to a service,, not hotel employeess but a referal. Does son speak french? If not you will obviously need someone who speaks english,, and since most girsl/ladies who do this for a living are not highly paid,, nor highly educated( unless you get a student perhaps).. well, english may be an issue. I would pay more for a very exclusive service, to get someone who did speak english,, well.

I am also just suggesting these ideas, but not really endorsing them,, I personally would not be comfortable doing this,, but to each his own. Many do it very well,, as I said, contact hotel and see what they may have in place. If staying at a smaller place you may not have that option.

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16044 posts

Your hotel should be able to refer people to you. There are many English speaking college students in Paris (American University of Paris) so there might be some looking to pick up a few extra bucks.

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689 posts

Last time we rented an apartment in Paris, one of the services the owners offered was to set up babysitting. So I bet this won't be too hard, if you go through your hotel or an agency.