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My Paris Apartment.

We drove into Paris form Germany. The GPS took us to the heart of the city and only a few blocks from our Apartment. From there it took the help of a few locals, and about another hour to navigate the few one way streets and finally arrive at the front door of our Apartment. We met the owner at the door and got our bags. As we walked into the courtyard I asked where the elevator was; “oh we don’t have one and you won’t need that; you’re in Paris now”.

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2030 posts

I agree with Karen, but I've rented apartments in Paris and elsewhere, and always know what floor it's on, if there's an elevator for sure. I don't go there is summer so A/C is not as important to me. Glad it all worked out OK though, sometimes you don't need all these things. But if you do, don't take it for granted they will be available.

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349 posts

So in keeping with the “we are in Paris now” we started up the well aged wooden steps. Following the owner, and with a 50# suitcase in hand I got to floor 1, then 2, then 3. As we headed upwards, I asked how much further; “it’s on the top floor”! Floors 4, 5, and finally 6, I was winded and hot, but still in shock to be to upset. As we entered the Apt, my first question was where is the A/C? “This is Paris, we don’t have A/C, and you won’t need that here”. A bit of panic set in, but as to not freak my family out, I just said OK, and thank you. As it turns out, our first night was on of the “few nights” one would need an A/C in Paris (Family and friends in Paris said that is the fact; I still think they said that because they are French and to them Paris is perfect). So after a hot and sleepless night I took off at 6AM on the Metro looking for A/C in Paris. It turns out that most people don’t have A/C and even most of the Hotels I looked into did not have it either. As I got back to the Apt about 8AM the magic of the city was coming into focus. I stopped at a bakery that was just under the Apt and got some fresh bread. I don’t recall walking up the 6 floors that day and a cool breeze started to blow over the city. We had butter, jam, coffee, eggs and cheese and we all sat in the Apt by the large open window just eating and relaxing and finally getting a taste of life as a Parisian.
The next few days were wonderful, as we walked the city and fell in love with the shops and café life on the street we were staying on. Paris ROX! Even with no A/C.

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800 posts

David - LOVED your last post! To me it spoke exactly of what I love about traveling - how the unexpected pleasures can far outweigh the unexpected problems. I think about all the things I was looking forward to on our trip to Italy - seeing the big sights in Rome, Venice, etc. And then I think about what I really remember and it is the taste of tomatoes and olive oil and the colors of the land. The heat (and sometimes no A/C as well), the crowds - that was still a part of it but those things pale beside the memories of the things we enjoyed.

Wish I could figure out how to read all your posts together but I'm enjoying picking them out on the different boards. Glad you're reporting back!

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7209 posts

Do you have a lift, on which floor is the apartment located, does it have AC...these are basic questions that should be asked and answered before renting. And ESPECIALLY before arriving!

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643 posts

wow, a 50 pound suitcase? someone hasn't been taking Rick Steves advice!!

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408 posts

I love your post. Don't worry, everyone has had a vacation with the unexpected. It sounds like it all worked out fine. You will always remember those stairs and not having A/C with fond memories in the future. At least my family and I always laugh about our trip to Italy in August. We will not make that mistake again. I'm sure you will learn to pack light next time too. It's fun hearing about your travels, keep them coming.

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1455 posts

David, sounds like you had my apartment!! LOL.
We were on the 5th floor with a great view, steps from Notre Dame, a great bakery and I was in Parisian heaven.

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349 posts

We were lucky!
We are a family of 5 so places to stay were hard to come by. We were in 2 Apts (Rome/Paris), 2 B&B's (Germany), 3 small hotels (Sorrento, Venice and London) and a farm house (Parma). I think we would go back to all of them.