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My 16yo niece is flying from Miami to Nice to meet me and I have a question

She flies U.S. Airways into Paris CDG. She then flies Air France from Paris CDG (it says 2F (?)) to Nice.

First, what does that Paris C. Gaulle 2F mean on her ticket?

Second, is the change from one airline to another at all complicated? Terminals? Buildings? Shuttles?

Third, how much time does she need to do the transfer from one to another?

I would appreciate all help you could give. This is her first solo flight, it is international, she will be traveling for a long time and I want to help make it as smooth as possible.

Many thanks.

Posted by
8293 posts

Cecily: The 2F means Terminal 2F for her Air France flight to Nice. Her U.S. Airways ticket should have the arrival terminal marked on it. Only when you know that, and what time her AF flight is, can you be advised as to how much time is required to transfer.

Each terminal at CDG has an information kiosque in the Arrivals Hall marked "ADP Information" (Aeroports de Paris). The agents all speak English and can certainly help your niece to get from one terminal to another if that is necessary. She'll be fine.

Posted by
805 posts
  1. The 2F indeed means terminal 2F (Terminal 2 is segmented into a six different sub-terminals (2A-2F) which are each like a terminal by themselves).

  2. US Air arrives into the old Terminal 1. Upon arrival, she will follow the signs marked "Correspondence/Transfer" and take a bus inside security (I think) to Terminal 2F. She will not have to claim her luggage but may have to go through customs in Paris (no big deal). It's all pretty easy.

  3. I would allow no less than 90 minutes with about 2 hours being fine. The good news is that if she misses her flight to Nice they'll likely be another one soon she can get on.

Posted by
143 posts

Thanks for the info - it is very helpful to know this.


Posted by
8293 posts

Unless U.S.Airways is affiliated in some way with Air France, I'm not sure David is right when he says she will not have to claim her luggage. The niece needs to confirm with U.S. Airways when she checks in (in Miami) that her luggage will go right through to Nice. If it does, then David's instructions are right on.

Posted by
805 posts

Even if there is no necessary relationship, most major airlines can interline their bags with no problems. A friend of mine recently flew to Asia on Northwest connecting to a Japan Airlines (JAL) flight in Tokyo. JAL and NWA are NOT partners but they had no problem transferring the bags for them.

Posted by
8700 posts

Check with US Airways now to see if your niece's luggage will be checked through. Don't have her wait until she gets to the airport.

An update to David's post: The free inter-terminal shuttle bus has been replaced by the free CDGVAL driverless shuttle train. That's what your niece will need to take to get from Terminal 1 to Terminal 2. There still are airside buses to get between the various sections of Terminal 2.

Posted by
143 posts

Thank you all.

My niece is not checking luggage so that is not a concern.

I just want to make sure that she gets from one terminal to another safely and correctly.

I will explain all of this to her.

Are there any scams at the airport that she should be aware of?


Posted by
8293 posts

Scams at the airport? Why, are there scams at the airport in Miami? Methinks you are too worried about this young lady. She's 16, not 6.