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Must-sees in Munich

Hello everyone!
I am going to be in Munich for 2.5 days (one of the days being Christmas Day). What are the "must-sees" that I should definitely go see during my trip?


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19233 posts

Nyphenburg is worth seeing.

I have twice been to the Stadtmuseem München. Both times I found it very interesting with historical exhibits on Munich in earlier times, but it is all in German, so it helps if you understand a little of the language.

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479 posts

Don't forget Alois Dallmayr chocolatier. Definitely a MUST SEE!

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2779 posts

To me a dinner at Wirtshaus in der Au is a must for every trip. Great Bavarian atmosphere, traditional food that's not too heavy... You must make reservations though.

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852 posts

Hofbräuhaus... In München ist ein ... or need it even be mentioned?

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959 posts

Erica, I was a little bored at the Deutsches Museum. It's a technical museum, so if you're into that stuff, you would love it. Otherwise skip it. They describe it as a Smithsonian. I was a kid when I went to the Smithsonian in DC, and I LOVED it. This... not so much.

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6 posts

My spellings may be off a tad, but-- Deutches Museum (terrific Science Museum), Alta Pinotech (art museum), Nymphenburg Castle (don't miss display of old carriages), English Garden, Frauenkirsche (walk to top of church for awesome view of Munich and surrounding area), Hofbrauhaus (yes, touristy, but great fun), side 1/2 day trip to Dachau, strolling along Marienplatz & ritzy Maximilian Strasse (Street). If time, take side day trip into Bavaria to Fussen to see Neushwantsein Castle and/or to Garmish-Partenkirschen to see Zugspizte, highest peak in all of Germany- amazing views into Austrian Tyrol- accessed by cog-wheel train and cable car.

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1523 posts

Much comes down to personal tastes. My wife really liked the Residenz, but I felt that it went on forever. I did like the chapel decorated with inlaid stone pictures. The Residenz Treasury exhibit was a better time bargain in my mind.

I also really liked Asamkirche. It was small, dark and ornate (Rococo) beyond my imagination. It was a nice comparison to the nearby Frauenkirche, which open and light.

Depending on the weather, I would recommend a walk along the Isar River. Müncheners seem most themselves on stroll along the river.

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61 posts

I enjoyed the BMW museum in addition to the other things mentioned. There are also several Christmas markets in Munich during December. This is the link for the munich's official internet site (

You can translate it to English and find info under the markets in Muich section. Munich is a fun city. I hope that you have fun.

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4 posts

It has been several years since I have been there, but the Loden-Frey store in downtown Munich always had the most fantastic window displays. Around Christmas they were even more incredible. And if you are there before Christmas, you must go to the Christkindl Markt and drink gluhwein.

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27 posts

I agree with Lawrence. If you are going out of the city I would recommend the Dachau concentration camp and Fussen to see the castles(not only are the castles cool but the lake and mountain setting is beatiful).