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Museum/City Passes for Spain

We are thinking about taking the My Way Tour for Spain. Does anyone have experience with any Museum/City Passes? Do you still need reservations for entrance? Do you feel that you got good value? I'm mostly interested in Art and Architecture...not so much tourist shows.

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984 posts

Confusing and I have no idea what 'My Way Tour' is. What 'Museum/City Passes? Where? Do you mean a 'bono' card for entry into sundry premises and sites in a city? This is unlikely to be value unless staying many a day in a city to see all. Is that the case? What reservations? I have not come across such in many years, except when a premises is in private hands. A limit on entry numbers at any one time, maybe. Art and architecture - how are these tourist shows?

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1553 posts

Sorry I assumed that since this is a Rick Steves site that viewers would be familiar with his tour packages. This specific tour provides bus train and hotels along a specific route in Spain to Barcelona, Madrid, Granada,
Seville, etc. I was wondering what Museum passes were available in these cities and whether you got your monies worth. Some passes pad them with such things as stage shows for tourists, amusement parks and other such things. Should I just purchase individual tickets instead. If I get a pass can I go by the ticket window or do specific places like the Pradoalways require timed entry?

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9371 posts

You need to do your own math on this. We don't know how the admission prices would stack up against the card price because we don't know what you would want to see. How long are you in each city? Barcelona has a card, but I haven't used it. Madrid has one, too, but again, I haven't used it in three visits now. When I was there in August, there was no timed entry at the Prado or the Thyssen. You just paid and went in. Google "tourism Spain" and see which cities have cards and what they cover.

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1553 posts

Thanks Nancy: Good to know about the Prado, etc. I was worried about having to make reservation from home before I left...good to know that's not a problem.