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Munich, Salzburg, Prague, and Haltstatt

We are planning 12 days in these four places. We just added Halstatt in Austria and I'm not sure where to fit it in. And, where is a good place to stay there? Transportation to Salzburg and back? Thanks for any help.

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33204 posts

Sorry to send you back to the books but the answer is in the RS guidebook. How to get there on rubber tyres or on steel wheels on steel rails. Places to stay, how to get across the lake. Plenty info. Do you have a bookstore or library nearby?

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19159 posts

Hallstatt is closest to Salzburg. Take a train towards Vienna and get off in Attnang-Puchheim. From there go south via Bad Ischl to the rail station across the lake from Hallstatt and take the boat across to the town. With two or more people, you can go by regional train to Attnang-Puchheim. From there is all regional train. The Einfach Raus Ticket, for €28, will cover hop on/off travel all the way. In 2009, I went by bus from Salzburg to Hallstatt via the lakes, including Mondsee of SOM wedding fame, of the Salzkammergut region. For accommodations, use the town's website, They will have the biggest selektion.