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Munich or Bern?

We would like your thoughts on a two night stay. We are breaking up the train travel from Paris to Venice and have narrowed our overnights to Bern or Munich. We would have an evening arrival then one full day before a late morning departure to Venice.
Can you share your thoughts on these two cities, to help us choose?

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9109 posts

Without question, Munich. Switzerland's cities are nice places to live but for tourists they are a bit blah. There is a lot more to do in Munich. and more importantly better nightlife.

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1358 posts

Bern is not a tourist town. Nothing to see there. Munich is better. If you have an interest in WWII history be sure to visit Dachau, the prison camp.

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1502 posts

If you were thinking of a few days, then I would agree that Munich would be best as there is so much to see. For a single day, Bern is very nice city. Walk its covered sidewalks, find the statue of the ogre eating children (among others), watch a sidewalk chess match, stop at a cafe and venture over the Aare River Bridge to see the views.

Bern is a very beautiful city. I am sure that a day would not be wasted there, nor in Munich.

Regards, Gary

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506 posts

It would really depend upon what experience you are looking for. Berne is a beautiful town that has a unique mix of French and German influences.

The history itself is different than the WWII influences you see in Munich. There are many small towns near Berne that you can reach by short train ride (Thun for example), there is a beautiful castle. The old town is surrounded by the river and the mountains are wonderful. It could be a nice slow down from the bustle of Paris.

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25 posts

Munich has much more to do, but is mostly a big city. (Hofbrauhaus is very touristy but SO fun and the Science Museum kept us busy for a whole day. My favorite place to drink beer is the Chinese Pagoda in Englischer Gartens.) If you are going during Oktoberfest, then choose Munich! The festival is awesome!

Bern feels much more small town and quaint. It is fun to just wander around (visit the bears, the bank and the local cathedral) and some of the surrounding countryside (easy train ride to Murten and a few other towns) is beautiful with fantastic Roman ruins.