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Munich Deutsches Museum

I know the Deutsches Museum is a big place. I will only have about 3 hours to spare there with my grandson(9 yearsold). For those who have been there, what sections would you suggest? He has a variety of intrest, anything military, hands on on. Thanks for all replies!

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10344 posts

The Main Branch is the branch in the city center, the other two branches are outside the city center. The Main Branch is a science and technology museum. Your grandson may enjoy the first German submarine (ground floor), aeronautics (their 1st floor, would be our 2nd floor) and astronautics (their 2nd floor).

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14 posts

My husband is an engineer and he loves every inch of the Deutches Museum. But I'd say the best part is the physics exhibit on the 2nd (?) floor-- everything hands on to show how various physics theories work.

I agree with the above post about the main branch, which is on a lovely island in the Isar. 3 hours is a good amount of time to explore it all.

In the basement is a mining exhibit that many people miss, its also pretty interesting.

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25 posts

I loved all of the downstairs stuff - all the ships and water things, and then upstairs with the planes and space vehicles...this was one of my favorite european museums!


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40 posts

Hi mark,
You'll probably do fine just to go in, get a map and let your grandson lead the way. We visited last summer with our three kids, ages 10, 7 and 3. We spent about an hour on the main floor (airplanes and boats), then when down to the "kinderreich" in the basement, which has a lot of hands-on stuff for younger kids. Probably too young for your grandson. Exhibits are explained in both German and English. It's a great place to spend a few hours with a curious mind. Enjoy!