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Movies, videos? ..before a trip to Paris, Alsace, and S.W. Germany

Hi all--Looking for recommended movies (fiction or non) that we could watch in anticipation of our trip! We're mostly interested in anything that would increase our knowledge and appreciation of the history of these regions, but we're open to modern fictional stories, as well. Thanks!

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5678 posts

For Paris I would suggest Sharan Newman's mysteries. They take place in medieval Paris and are quite good. Cara Black writes mysteries based in modern Paris.

I've been trying to come up with anything for Germany and am coming up blank, but I may try some other resources. ; ) in the meantime, the second or third book in the Berlin Noir trilogy is based partly in Vienna and partly in Munich just after WWII. It's by Philip Kerr.


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211 posts

Charade is one of my favorites that features Paris as a backdrop, it's an old Audrey Hepburn and Carey Grant thriller.

Before Sunset also features many beautiful spots in Paris. Just be prepared, I love it, but its all talk,

And if you're up for reading I second the recommendation of Julia Child's My Life in France, it's just fantastic

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258 posts

Here are some current movie titles: Before Sunset had some great scenes of Paris at times, but without that it is a horribly boring movie with all talk. The Jason Bourne series is good for shots of places all over Europe including Germany and Paris. XXX is good for Prague. Watching the RS videos gave me a good idea of the area. I'm not aware of any for a really good history of the area...

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283 posts

My topic! Here are some suggestions for France:

My Life in France by Julia Child--just wonderful.

Cara Black mysteries as stated above. Just fantastic looks at the different areas.

Stephan Clarke's Merde series are fun and funny.

Peter Mayle's Provence series. Although most are centered in Provence, France with a Knife and Fork goes all over the country. You can learn a lot about the country and its customs.

Amelie (movie)
Any French Language films from NetFlix--watch them in French and read the subtitles--helps hone the language skills.

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1850 posts

Watch Paris J'taime. It's wonderful! It's actually about 15 short movies, each with a different director and cast. Some of the actors are very well known. You can watch it in French or English. Also, the Red Balloon. Net-flix has both.