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Montpelier or Nimes?

Travelling by car from Barcelona to Carcassone to Avignon in September. I want another night's stop before the Pont du Gard and Avignon. Montpelier looks like a lovely old university town, Nimes a taste of urban Provence. Which do you recommend? Any recommendations for a modest, central hotel and/or great restaurant? Many thanks, Heather

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294 posts

Hotel de Amphitheatre is in a nice location in Nimes. Good staff, nice clean rooms and good price. Check comments on Tripadvisor.

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1178 posts

Montpellier is a good choick...can not recall the name of the place where we stayed, but enjoyed the time there. By the way, the Perrier water plant in Nimes major business, with only a handfull of empllyees mostly automated. Also, look at the Stonehouse Inn, Cuax, France...near Penzas...the town is so small it does not show on some maps! But the Stonehouse inn is one of my all time fevorite places to be. It has a web site. Not that far from Montpelier

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4132 posts

If you just go to Nimes (maybe with a few hours in Montpelier enroute) you can make it your base and not have to move around so much. Avignon is very close and the Pont du Gard is closer.