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Mont St Michel (I'm back)

Well, I am back from Mont St. Michel and I can tell you that I did make it to the top. Not, however, with some difficulty. From the start to the veranda is 8o meters high. There is a steep incline for about 200 yards before the stairs start. There are a series of steps approximately 15-20 at a time before you get to the final group of stairs.

There are about 60 to 80 steps at this point. Climbing 5 stories did help but what I needed to do and didn't was practice walking the steep incline. When you walk this incline you are bent over at the waist it is that steep. I suggest future elder people build this into their exercise regiment. The climb was worth the effort.

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10344 posts

Judy: I remember you. Here's your post in March and the advice given then: click hereDid this advice help? Most of the repliers said it was steep but were trying to be encouraging.

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1455 posts

Congratulations, Judy!!! You're going to make us young folks look bad!! LOL

I can't wait to do my climb in 3 weeks.

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264 posts

I thought there was a cable car to the top?
Well, I'm climbing it too then, on June 19.