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Mont St. Michel, France

Has anybody taken a Viator day tour of Mont. St. Michel? We are both in our 60's and are going there in June. I read that it is 200 miles outside of Paris. There is only one train (which is early in the morning) that allows enough time to see the Mont. I figure it would be safer to have somebody plan the logistics of visitng some place so far away. Thank you. Elaine

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3313 posts

Without any knowledge of the particular company, if you are hoping to visit MSM in a day from Paris and you don't have a rental car reserved, I think using a tour company makes sense. Travel there by train is complicated.

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3551 posts

A tour in your case is avisable. We rented a car and there were logistics to plan. I would expect the tour to lv Paris very early and return late. The paths in the Mt are narrow, cobbled and steep and can be crowded with visitors. Plan to have appropriate shoes espec if you wish to walk the area surrounding the Mt at low tide. it is a beautiful sight.

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1010 posts

Thank you both for your recommendations. Do you both think it is well worth the trip to see the Mont? Do you have any recommendations for visiting Versailles? Thank you.

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12040 posts

Even with the mid-day invasion of the daytripping hordes clogging the narrow street, I still think Mont St. Michel is worth a visit (although better to stay the night and visit the abbey first thing in the morning).

Here's a hint- if the main street is absolutely clogged, walk along the ramparts to reach the abbey instead. You'll have to climb a long, steep staircase at one point, but you'll have some magnificent views. You also see some of the little delightful little nooks and crannies that most tourists miss.

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1005 posts

We visited Mont. St. Michel in July 2004 and loved it! Had a rental car so did not do a tour but I do think it is worth seeing. It is a beautiful sight! We spent 1 night at a hotel at the end of the causeway that goes out to M.S.M. It is quite a sight when lit up in the evening! As a previous poster stated, there are lots of steps up the abbey so do wear good shoes. We also enjoyed eating at Mere Poulard in the village at the base of the abbey--had great omlettes. Depending on the time of the year, I would recommend reservations at Mere Poulard's as it is a very popular place to eat.