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Mont- St- Michel environs

Traveling to Normandy next month with small group and planning on home-basing in Bayeux. Figure to dedicate one day to Mont- St- Michel. Looking for suggestions for areas nearby MSM to visit , restaurant suggestions, itinary etc. Thanks Mike DC

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10344 posts

You'll probably get a more useful answer to your question, if you can clarify roughly how" nearby" to MSM you have in mind.

Posted by
12040 posts

Yes, clarify "nearby". When you use that word, what comes to mind are the mudflats, fields with sheep and a few small unremarkable hamlets. That and a German military cemetery are all you'll really find in the immediate area.

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1175 posts

Drive around the bay to Cancale, about 15 miles, for a sumptuous seafood lunch right on the water with MSM across the bay. Lunch is from 1100-1400 leaving plenty of time for a leisurely drive back to Bayeux.

Posted by
195 posts

Thanks George for that tip-just what I was looking for. Yes to be more clear, we have cars and were looking for intereresting towns on the coast near MSM(within and one hour`s drive or so)or on the way from Bayeux. Appreciate any tips. Mike DC

Posted by
1850 posts

Dinan and St. Malo are both about an hour west of MSM. There's also a huge (like 30 feet) standing stone in that area........North of MSM, sort of "around the corner of the bay" is a little town (Genets I think, google the map of the area) where you can take nice photos of the mount from a different angle........ We had wanted to drive up to Barfleur (site of the white ship disaster) but ran out of time.

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345 posts

My husband and I stayed in Mercure hotels in St. Malo and Granville. At both hotels, we overlooked the water. At Mercure hotels in France, if you are 55 years of age and older, two people stay in the room for the price of one. If you choose to take breakfast, the cost is also two meals for the price of one. St. Malo is west of MSM and Granville is on the north, around the bay from MSM. We walked from our hotel in St. Malo to visit the old walled city area. On the drive around the bay to Granville, we could take pictures of MSM.

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1986 posts

Been to both Dinan and St Malo (more than once), would strongly recommend St Malo over Dinan, nice walled old town area right alongside the habor. Very mediaeval feeling

Posted by
195 posts

Thank you everyone for the great tips. You have helped us quite a bit Happy Trails Mike DC

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18 posts

We were very disappointed in MSM...we made the mistake of training into the area and taking the local bus out there.....then we were STUCK for hours waiting for the return bus. It was very disappointing...very commercialized.....make sure you have your own wheels or a number of a taxi who can rescue you from the souvenir joints....

Posted by
976 posts

I liked MSM, but we had a car and went very late in the day in June, no buses,few people.Various musicians were playing in a few rooms and one courtyard for tips- very nice. Don't get hungry while there tho, even a little snack of crepes is more exensive than expected ( and RS warns about that!).