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Mont St Michaels

I would like to know how many steps are involved in climbing to the abbey at Mont St Michaels. Is it comparable to a 3-4 story building?

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1521 posts

Judy, When you arrive at the base of Mont St Michel the first 200 yards or so is covered with shops, restaurants and hotels. The path slowly winds its way up so it's really not too noticeable. Even after you get past the shops I think most people take it slowly to soak up the view. If I remember correctly the last bit is steep or stairs (I honestlly can't remember) but it isn't bad. It's certainly no more than a 3 story building. The fact that I don't remember struggling or being out of breath tells me it musn't have been too bad.

Hope this helps.

Posted by
2297 posts

Sorry to disappoint you but the climb to the abbey of Mt St Michel is definitely more than a 3-4 story building. Make that a 10 story building, minimum!

However, there is no need to worry as you will do the climb slowly. Stop often and enjoy the views along the way. It really doesn't FEEL that much of a climb.

Posted by
852 posts

Hi Judy,
... I know it sounds crazy, but we find that if we know what we're in for (10-story climbs, for example) we go out nearly every day for weeks before the trip and practice making such climbs ... and the walking, too ... it seems to make a difference.
Whatever, though .... bon voyage!... P

Posted by
80 posts

If you pace yourself it is really manageable. A hint: use the entry around the corner to the left of the main entrance to the shops, etc. You will pass the Police Station, and the path is much more wide open, with better views that the path through the town shops.

Posted by
4 posts

Boy thanks for all the advice....sounds like it is from 2 stories to 20 but I am bound and determined to do this. I can make 4 stories before I start to huff and puff and that's without stopping.....Just have to remember that I am 68....Good Lord only knows where I was to get this old.

Posted by
12040 posts

You can also walk along the ramparts to get a better view. The ramparts are flat throughout most of the walk, except towards the end when they climb steeply.

Posted by
3313 posts

Definitely train for it. There are a lot of stairs. As others have said, not all at once so you can rest but I have to be candid, there are several steep stairways to get to the top.

It is well worth it, though.

Posted by
261 posts

Mont St. Michel was very steep at the top and into the abbey. Lots of stairs. The good news/bad news is that the crowds move slowly, so you will too. The walk along the ramparts has a much better view that up through the main street. The abbey is only the very top of the island, below and shops, restaurants (not very good I'm afraid) and hotels. Even after the abbey closes, or early in the morning, you can walk around the "town" without another tourist in sight! Don't let this deter you! Do some extra walking now and you'll be fine. Mont St. Michel was the highlight of our trip 2 years ago. My 12 year old son (10 then) still talks about it. They also have English language tour guides that were good (and free). Have a great time.

Posted by
12040 posts

I would agree with Margaret that most of the restaurants are probably interchangable and not particularly memorable (I suspect many share a common ownership, because their posted menus are identical!), one exception is Restaurant le St. Michel. Probably the best Norman cuisine I have ever eaten.