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Monschau, Germany

Hello all,

My husband I will be meeting up with family (who live in Luxembourg) in late May in Monschau, Germany, before we part ways and we move on to Belgium.

My family will only be in Monschau for one night (arriving earlier in the day and leaving late afternoon the next), but we were wondering if Monschau (and maybe a bit of the surrounding area) might be worthy of 2 nights for my husband and I. Either way it's a quick stop and we intend to return to the area at some point to further investigate, but we're just trying to guage if 2 nights on this trip makes sense.

Any thoughts for those who've been there? Thank you!

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1523 posts

I can't find a Monchau. Could you mean Monschau?

If so, it is attractive appearing in the website. The "DK Eyewitness Guide" has glowing things to say about it, and ADAC rates it as "Besonders sehenwerter Ort", an especially worthwhile place to see.

You will probably enjoy it very much. I may see if I can find a train there myself.:)

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811 posts

Oopsie - it IS Monschau and I've edited the OP to reflect the 's.' Thanks for correcting it - I posted it this morning as I was rushing out the door and went by my memory, which, it turns out, isn't very good.

Thank you for checking out your other travel guides! We're in the initial stages of sorting this trip out, and now we're considering not going into Belgium at all and instead, focusing on this area of Germany (we'll have about a week).

Any other towns upwards of 2-3 hours from Monschau that are worth a mention here? We'll likely have a car and are torn about which direction we'll head!

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6928 posts

Monshau is a gorgeous little town of slate-roofed buildings, an old weaver's village huddled around an attractive river gorge. We spent 2 nights there and it was plenty of time to see the place.

The Henri Chapelle Military cemetery near Eupen across the Belgian border is a very moving memorial to Americans who died in the area during WW II.

Elsewhere near Monschau: Aachen has an interesting town center and beautiful cathedral; Maastricht (Holland) isn't far either - a place with lots of atmosphere that you might look into.

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811 posts

Thank you so much for the great information and suggestions! This trip is kind of a whim (can it still be a whim 3 months out?) and we're trying to sort out the details. Right now we're torn between going to Bruges/Brussels for 4-5 nights or staying around Monschau for that time to explore that part of Germany.

You've left us with some great starting points, again, many thanks!

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10344 posts

In Monschau, don't miss:Rotes Haus (Red House)Walking tour of old townMontjoie Düttchen (croissants)

Posted by
811 posts

Kent, check. Walk through Old Town on way to Red House, croissant in hand.

We're in!