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May Day in Paris

We planned our trip to UK and Paris already, including all reservations for hotels, the Chunnel, etc. We will be in Paris April 30 through May 4. Now we found out that there isn't much to do in Paris on May Day (May 1). Can anyone help with what there will be to do when they say that everything is closed? Thanks

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506 posts

It is a national holiday - however most tourist sites will be open - such as the Eiffel Tower, Musee d'Orsay etc.

What will be closed are most off the shops - restaurants, brasseries etc. There usually bars/brasseries open in very tourist areas but minimal. No fresh markets. So minimal service. Your hotel should be able to make recommendations.

Also - Metro and Bus lines will run on a holiday schedule thus slower service.

The main thing to watch for is that is tradition for demonstrations/marches to occur. So you may get an opportunity to see workers groups marching in solidarity depending upon where you are.

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3313 posts

We were there on May Day once. While it's true most stores, markets, etc are closed, we thought it was very festive. It was a great atmosphere to enjoy for a holiday we don't celebrate (but which originated in the U.S.)