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Traveling to Germany in a few weeks around Lake Constance need to know about using my discover card. Has anyone encountered an issue with using discover in that region? Thx need answers ASAP.

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9110 posts

Any merchant that accepts plastic will accept Mastercard. The discover will be worthless, no one will accept it.

Posted by
34630 posts

Your question is confusing. The title of the tread is MasterCard but you ask about discover. MasterCard OK - discover NO GOOD in Europe, anyway. However - note that MasterCard will be accepted in places that take credit cards. Many places in Germany either take only or prefer cash; other places will accept German debit cards but no credit cards.

Posted by
9 posts

Thx so much everyone sorry I was cut off earlier. I'm
Going to take advice purchase a prepaid Visa card.

Posted by
23742 posts

That may not be a good idea either. Is it a prepaid debit or credit? The prepaid debit card can have lots of fees associated with the card making it fairly expensive way to obtain cash. Please read the fine print several times and understand exact what the charges will be to use the card, to set it up, and to recharge it if necessary. It is possible you find a reasonable card but historically the prepaid debit cards have been a bad deal. PS Carrie, you might explain your situation a little better so we can give a more complete answer. Your postings are little confusing.

Posted by
80 posts

You may want to apply for a visa or mastercard the has no foreign transaction fees, these fees can add up to 3% to the price. Chase has some credit cards that give 40,000 to 50,000 airline miles. If you apply today and ask to rush the card you should have it in a week and use the air miles for your next trip.

Posted by
9 posts

I'm sorry I didn't think I was being confusing. My original question was related to using my discover card in Germany. I do not want take my debit card with me, I only want to bring cash and one credit card, I only have a discover card. S my question was in regards to using it. I understand now from everyone's postings I can't use it there. So I was told to purchase a BOA prepaid visa as they do not have attached fees to use it or obtains cash withdrawals at A ATM.
Does anyone have advise own that? :-) THX so much

Posted by
23742 posts

Why not take your debit card? Without question, a debit card at a bank owned ATM is the cheapest and most convenient way to obtain local currency. A debit card should not be used for point-of-sale. A credit card is best for purchases. But we find it far easier just to use cash about 95% of the time. Do not rely on what someone tells you but read the fine print on the use of a prepaid card. Again, in the past prepaid cards have carried a lot of hidden fees. And bring US cash is not a good idea because you will be ripped off on the exchange rate. Bring your debit card! That is the smart thing to do.

Posted by
9 posts

I did mistype MasterCard meant discover.
I appreciate the advice and yes money is a big deal I am traveling with a group and saved for a long time to pay for trip. Limited funds for this single lady. I am traveling on a bicycle from town to town in Germany around Lake Constance so don't want to have a debit card on me in case it is stolen. My debit is attached to my savings account. I was hoping to just use my credit card for purchases that are not covered by the tour. Any ideas on which card I can use?

Posted by
9 posts

I'm sorry for delayed or repeat questions for some reason what I post isn't showing up, I appreciate all who have responded to my questions. I will work on getting a Visa card to use at least I know I can withdraw money at ATM or use for purchases. Thank you again to all who replied and for all your advice. I'm sorry for the confusion earlier but I was trying to repost correct question topic on the subject line and it would not let me correct it, that's why I have two forums open for same question.
;-) Carrie

Posted by
9 posts

I'm sorry for delayed or repeat questions for some reason what I post isn't showing up, I appreciate all who have responded to my questions. I will work on getting a Visa card to use at least I know I can withdraw money at ATM or use for purchases. Thank you again to all who replied and for all your advice. I'm sorry for the confusion earlier but I was trying to repost correct question topic on the subject line and it would not let me correct it, that's why I have two forums open for same question.
;-) Carrie

Posted by
15250 posts

Hi, My comments focus on Germany: I use a Mastercard credit card aside from cash. But there have been occasions where I presented my US Mastercard credit card only to be told that the German EuroCard was accepted not the US Mastercard. Never used a Discover Card since its logo is not posted.

Posted by
2349 posts

Carrie, you seem to be concerned about using a debit card in Europe, and you want to buy a pre-paid Visa card. I'll leave the issue of exchange and usage fees to others. Please consider- You can get a second debit card in case you lose your first. Keep the cards in two different places. If you report a lost/stolen card, even if your entire checking and savings accounts are emptied, you will get that money back. With a second card, you don't need to wait for a replacement. When you get a pre-paid card, I don't think you can get a second backup card. So if it's lost, you have to wait to receive another one. You also have to deal with Visa Buxx. I don't know how their customer service is-it may be excellent. But I would rather deal with the bank where I have an existing relationship. If their service at the corporate level sucks, I can still call the local branch and talk to a teller that knows me. Finally, if you are still too worried about your checking and savings accounts, open a separate, un-linked checking account, and use it solely for travel. Deposit what you would have put on a Visa Buxx pre-paid card.

Posted by
15806 posts

Basically if Diners Club is accepted, then Discover will be accepted. The Discover website has a list of countries (though it's a litle hard to find it) where Discover is accepted (probably not widely even then). Germany is not on the list. I found that hotels and better restaurants accept credit cards (tip in cash). But even the big supermarkets were cash or debit card only. . . even major chains like Ikea.

Posted by
11294 posts

Carrie, here's Rick's page of money tips. Read all the links, and you'll be an expert: If you can get to a TD Bank (I see they have branches in Florida), you can open a checking account and get an ATM card right away. TD has no surcharge for foreign withdrawals (some cards add 1-3%) and gives a good exchange rate. With their basic checking account ($100 minimum) there is a $2 fee per withdrawal, and with a fancier account ($2500 minimum) there is no fee. So, on a two week trip, if you get the cheaper account and take out money every day, you will have $14 in fees and no rip-off on exchange rates. This is a FAR better deal than an Visa Buxx card, where there are fees for everything and the exchange rate is lousy. Then, since the account has only a $100 minimum, you can keep it active for future travel, or of course, you can close it upon your return if you prefer.

Posted by
12315 posts

Mastercard or Visa credit cards are accepted by anyone who accepts cards, the only two cards I would rely on. American Express is a step down. Discover is another (giant) step down and Diner's is even below that. I still think you should consider bringing your debit card. It has no greater chance of being lost or stolen than the wad of cash you intend to carry. I think the best option is keep your debit card in a moneybelt or neckwallet and carry the cash you need for the day in a front pocket. Exchanging currency is more expensive than the transaction fees for using ATM's, especially if you shop for a bank with reasonable fees.

Posted by
11528 posts

Carrie having visiting Europe solo I can tell you your plan would make me nervous!!!
I would never use a prepaid Visa card. As noted.. lost or stolen is gone gone gone. I would never carry a large sum of pre purchased cash,, same reason as above. I strongly advise you to make it easy and safe on yourself. A debit card tied to a chequeing account, have withdrawal limit set high to avoid having to use often if you do have fees attached. I have a TD debit card that charges me no fees for foreign atm use, but I do have to keep a minimum balance in that account otherwise there would be a fee. I withdraw as much cash as I can ( usually 3 hundred euros) and keep that cash( and cc and debit cards) in my moneybelt while travelling( in hotel safes when not) , except for about 50 euros cash in my purse for lunches etc. I bring a Visa card, I use it only for hotels, train tickets , and any splurge expenses. I never use it in little cafes or shops.. I travel alone and feel pretty safe this way. I always write down the emergency call numbers written on the back of the credit and ATM cards in a few seperate places , obviously seperate from card. Prepaid Visa cards seem like more hassle and expense then they are worth since pretty sure many small places will not take them anyways.. and carrying around a week or two worths of cash is not the safest way to holiday. Cash is king in many small places ,, but you can always keep 50 euros on your person for lunches, drinks, postcards etc.. A Discover card is not a super useful one I think.. we don't accept at my shop here in Canada, and frankly I know alot of places don't.

Posted by
9 posts

Thank you so much!!!!! Everyone has been so very helpful!!!
I'm going to check into that TD account THX so much!

Posted by
1663 posts

We've used debit cards in Europe for our last 4 trips since 2005 to access cash and pay for the majority of everything, except car rentals. We only use the debit at an ATM attached to a Bank, and preferably inside a lobby or vestibule. We NEVER use as a credit card, especially at a restaurant or cafe where the waiter may take the card to process transaction. We've never had a problem with the debit card or bank account being compromised.