Hello! We're going to Malaga and Barcelona next week, and we'd really like to see a bullfight. Any suggestions on getting tickets to them?
I'm pretty sure that the August extravaganza is the finale for Malaga. The sport has been banned in Barcelona.
We did not attend a real bullfight, but we did enjoy the Spanish flamenco version of Carmen while we were in Antequerra, which was very near Malaga. They did bring in the bulls and there was a bit of a bullfight, along with a horseshow and Carmen. It was at the open air bullfighting ring on a beautiful night with a full moon. So, might be an alternative. Also, we loved Malaga...
Just to confirm, you are out of luck on both counts, as advised above. Always amused by the description 'sport'. Plenty of footage on 'You Tube'.