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Making Most of Short Time in Riviera and Paris on Art Trip- Advice Please

For landmark b-day (55,but fit, energetic,been to France,figure I can sleep on the plane home)taking painting workshop in Provence, taking me to Arles, St. Remy, and Les Baux. I then plan to take one day in Riviera. Current plan is to leave Arles Mon. early AM, train to Nice, dump bags either in locker or Nice hotel, and go straight to Chagall Museum (closed Tues.). I then have one more full day (Tues.) in France. Because this trip is mainly about art, I thought I would take the bus to St. Paul de Vence, and take in this lovely art village, splurge on lunch at Le Colombe d'Or,go back to Nice and take Easy Jet to Paris (they have flt just before 8PM to CDG from Nice). Overnt at CDG hotel. Flt next day leaves CDG at 4:40PM. Final morn. early, last min. shop for two hrs (like Galleries Lafayette). Train back to CDG at noon, p/u bags, be at checkin by l:30PM. Many Qs--- 1. Stay in Nice or St. Paul de Vence to maximize time? 2. If staying in Nice for a night, heard there is a Galleries Lafayette there; worth shopping there (shopped there in Paris and found good gifts and could do things efficiently)after Chagall Museum? 3. Is whole Riviera idea ridiculous? Better to take in L'Orangerie on Mon. afternoon and have full day in Paris to go to Musee Orsay and shopping??? I was in Provence in '78 as young single and vowed I would go back. Do any of these museums have good gift shops? (Italian museums do, and my daughters and friends loved what I brought back fr Italy five yrs ago).Sorry this is so crazy, but I appreciate your views. TIA!

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219 posts

Sometimes museums have a website gift shop 1 can purchase from. I would look at the site to get an idea on what their representative items looks like. If they look interesting to you, then visit the store in the museum when you get there.

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251 posts

Just my opinion but doesn't really sound do-able, or fun, sounds stressfull. First transportation takes longer than just timetables. Not to mention the hotel at CDG is close but not AT the train station etc...

Personally I would skip either Riviera or Paris. You don't mention when you are going but after April the Riviera is horrible, especially for getting around. The Riviera is nice but I wouldn't choose Nice if I was only going one place. Other towns like Antibes(Picasso museum), Biot(picturesue, glass art), Vence (chagall's chapel) etc... Personally if the area interested you I would plan a whole trip around it, rather than try to see it all in 1 1/2 days. (but don't go after April!)

Instead of flying to Paris why not take the overnight train to Paris. Then you are in the heart of the city, and can start your shopping or art viewing without having to mess with all that transportation. Check your luggage at the Gare, or find a hotel in the city. Then go to CDG when you need to.

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8700 posts

Your plan is doable, but certainly rushed. You can be in Nice just before 10:00. Unless you don't like Matisse, go to the Matisse Museum as well as the Chagall Museum. Both are wonderful!

I was in Nice for five nights in the first week of June in 2005 and didn't find it overly congested. It was easy to get around by train and bus. I recommend staying in Nice.

The Chapelle du Rosaire in Vence was designed by Matisse, not Chagall. The Picasso Museum in Antibes is currently closed for an extensive restoration.

Should you skip the Riviera for more time in Paris? That depends upon what kind of art you want to see most. For example, I could happily spend all my time at the Musee d'Orsay, the Musee de l'Orangerie, and the Musee Marmottan Monet.

If you stay at a CDG hotel, buy a one-day, zone 1-6 Paris Visite pass (18€). It will cover all your rides on the Metro or bus in Paris as well as your trips from and to the airport.

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3551 posts

I would skip Rivera on this trip. I just spent 5 days in FR with a car & rail and didn't see much as I thought I would there is alot to see. getting around is slower also. The xtra time in Paris is your best bet.

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4 posts

Thank you all for your perspectives on my dilemma. Will consider all and let you know which way I plan to go for my remaining time in France. Have also considered going to Paris with a stop on the way in Avignon for a few hours to see the area Paul Cezanne loved. If I go to Paris, I have to connect in Avignon anyway, so that may be another alternative. So much art, so many lovely landscapes, so little time! A happy "problem."