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Mailing Packages from Paris

We hope to be succesful in our shopping while in Paris. Have any of you used Henry's Humpers or similar? (the ones that will claim your purchase, no matter the size, then package and ship it home to the states)
Do you have contact info for this type of service?
I am also posting this on the Italy board, as we will need the same service in Venice.
Leaving on Tuesday the 21st...thanks for your help.

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10344 posts

Here's a link to a discussion of that: clickObviously the prices given in dollars for 2005 will now be about 30% higher because of the drop in the dollar in the last 3 years.

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283 posts

We mailed a box of things back from Verdun. It was very expensive--more than the worth of the items, about 68 euros. Has anyone ever used UPS or Fed Ex from france?

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9436 posts

I tried to mail a package with UPS from here to France last Christmas and UPS was twice as expensive as regular mail which was already ridiculous. It was a small package, the size of a shoe box. We also tried to mail a package, size of a shoe box, from Italy to SF in '06, it was so expensive we decided it wasn't worth it.

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251 posts

Since you aren't clear exactly what you will be buying it is hard to give specific advice. I find very little in France that can't be obtained (via internet) from the US( with the exception of bric brac, antiques, and some music) (and places like will bundle the mailing) but I also know that the "shopping" part is probably the most fun part. Having shipped various things home from France over the years I don't really reccomend it, way too expensive.

My best reccommendation is to buy a cheap suitcase and fly home with an extra bag. I assume you will travelling light there with only one bag, then you each will still have one more bag allowence flying home. Happy shopping.