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Madrid world youth day are spaniards racist to foreigners?

Hi im planning to go to spain during world youth day. i will be 19 years old by then and i am of filipino decent but i am light olive skinned people mistaken me as a southern italian anyway im scared because i heard spaniards are racist. Someone said here filipino are looked down because they think they are maids

ps- we had spanish pilgrims from the previous wyd08 they were very friendly but one pilgrim stares at me alot(i don't know if it was him being racist or not) btw i am also going to travel to rome and paris. is it true they are really RUDE to tourist, if so how can i avoid the racism in europe?

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324 posts


Without wanting to start a debate, I postulate that we are all racists to one degree or another. That said, Spain is currently experiencing an emigration boom that leaves it facing an expansion of foreign population like that seen in the U.S. and the Philippines in the early 1800's. So, while the Philippines has had 200 or more years to become accustomed to foreign influence, Spain has had barely 15 years. You may notice some portrayals of foreigners (on television, advertising, etc.) which would shock you. On the other hand, Spaniards, as individuals, are, generally speaking, extremely tolerant and "envious/curious" about foreigners. While I can't promise you that you will have no negative experiences regarding racist individuals, I can say that the vast majority of your experiences will be extremely positive.

Are you sure that the person who was staring at you wasn't merely attracted to you? It seems strange to me that one would travel across the world to attend an international gathering, only to display a xenophobic attitude. The best way to avoid racism (in Europe or elsewhere) is to look for people who are open to people of any ethnic background. Don't worry about the few bad apples you'll find in any barrel. Enjoy the gathering.

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12040 posts

"is it true they are really RUDE to tourist". Unless you go around shouting at people "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH?", you probably will find Parisians no more or less rude than the residents of any large European city.

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638 posts

Well said Adynata,

Racism exists all over the world in one way or another, don't let that deter you from traveling to such a unique event, though I am not familar with World Youth Day, it sounds like something that is designed to bring people and cultures together. That being said I would think that the people you will meet will not display racism, instead they will show tolerance. Being filipino tells me you have Spanish blood, go and enjoy your heritage!