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Madrid to Segovia and back - day trip by train or bus?

We're planning to be in Spain in late September. I'd like to do a day-trip to Segovia from Madrid. In general, I prefer train travel over going by bus, but in Rick's book he says doing a day trip from Madrid to Segovia by bus is "better in every way" (although he doesn't really articulate those ways, other than the fact that the bus deposits you closer to the old center).

I read elsewhere that there's now a high-speed train between Madrid and Segovia. True? If so, does that mean the bus is no longer "better in every way"?

Ideally, we would like to leave Madrid mid-morning, spend the day and early evening in Segovia, then catch a train (or maybe the bus?) back to Madrid in the mid-evening, after dinner (we probably won't quite be on the Spanish late-dinner schedule at that point). I know we could go back to Madrid earlier (before dinner), but according to the book, Segovia has a very nice evening paseo scene, and we would like to linger to check it out.

Can anyone recommend the train over the bus for this? How late into the evening do the trains run? Any other advice about doing this as a day trip?


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4555 posts

Buses run every half hour (more frequently in rush hours), take about 75-90 minutes to make the run, and cost about 6.50 Euro each way. The trains take between 30 and 35 minutes, depending on which one you catch, and cost anywhere from 9 to 21 Euro. Frankly, to save 5 minutes on the AVE isn't worth it right now. However, the last train leaves Segovia at 9:24 pm during the week, while the last bus leaves at 9:30 pm (1030 pm on Sundays). The best way to enjoy Segovia in the evening (after the day trippers leave) is to stay overnight.

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1455 posts

David, I did the day trip by bus. Norm is right. The train wasn't worth it and if memory serves me, the train schedule was not as flexible.

Go to and she has a section about where to catch the bus or train

In Segovia, be sure to go to Jose Maria's for the suckling pig (if you're not a vegetarian). Once you get there, ask the locals where it is (or PM me and I'll give you the address) and book your reservation.

We took the AM bus, and got back to Madrid in time for dinner (8:30).

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13 posts


My wife and I visited Segovia about 3 years ago and I agree with the other post that you should spend the night. There is too much to see and too many places to wander that a half-day trip out of Madrid wouldn't allow you to enjoy Segovia the way it should be enjoyed.
