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Madrid Airport to hotel

We are arriving to Madrid airport after long flight from Australia (25 hours travel). I was planning to get the subway to our hotel H ( one line changeover). Worried that we will be an easy target for pickpockets. (tired & luggage) Is this threat overrated, or are we better to take a taxi?

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23561 posts

I don't know how to answer. Over the past 18 years we have spent close to a year in Europe and some of the great pickpocket capitols of the world. We have never seen a pickpocket or lost anything. Others will report that they are molested every day. We have been in Madrid three times and have used the subway every time. You might want to take the taxi just for the convenience. Just make sure your valuables are very secure and be cautious. Should be fine either way.

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1178 posts

I think you will be safe on the metro as long as you watch your belongings....I have been to Madrid many times and only once did I experience a would-be-pickpocket... You might check into the Aerocity van - may be cheaper than a taxi, but not as cheap as the metro.....but a lot less walking, carrying of luggage, etc....after 25 hours, a definite choice!!

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56 posts

I recomend you a Taxi. Everybody talked us is very expensive, but with 25 hours of travel. The idea of the van is good too...

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110 posts

Only you know how you'll feel after a long flight and if you're up to taking the metro to your hotel. My advice:- It's not worth trying to save a few euros and have your vacation spoilt on the first day. Theft can happen anywhere not just in Madrid and tired travellers are an easy target. The airport in Madrid is not far, take a taxi or an airport shuttle.

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133 posts

If you are hoping to save some money you might want to consider a "hybrid" means of transport: take the shuttle ( 2 euro per person) from the airport to Atocha train station then a taxi from there to your hotel. The shuttle is the size of a regular bus but the luggage is stowed inside on a large rack in the middle of the bus, rather than underneath, so you can keep an eye on your bags.

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2 posts

I've lived in Madrid for some years and you can find police officers at the subway too. Just don't leave your luggage unattended, that's all. But you will pay just 1,50 € for the ticket instead of 30€ for a taxi, or more. And If you want to find the best hotel prices in the city check Trust me!

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80 posts

If you're on a super-budget, I'd say take the metro all the way and then walk from that nearest metro station nearest to your hotel. But, come on, after 25 hours traveling you "just wanna get there", right? Maybe a taxi is the way to go; fast, comfortable, direct. Pickpocketing does occur on the metros, but only to a small minority of travelers. One can watch the back of the other. The only problem is the luggage. If you have a lot of it, it can be a pain if you change metro lines more than 2 times to get to your destination. Or, as mentioned above, you could take the airport shuttle bus from Madrid Barajas Airport to either Atocha train station or, the stop before, the Plaza de Cibeles and from there take a taxi/metro. Best of luck! Saludos, MadridMan @ you-know-where!