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We are going to be spending 5 days in Madrid in June. Is it better to rent a car to visit places like Segovia and Toledo or is it better to pay for one of the tours?


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3261 posts

I'd take a bus or train. In Rick's Spain book under the "Transportation Connections" he gives details about the train and bus connections from Madrid.

For example, the bus to Toledo takes 1-1.25 hours (leaves from Estacion Sur de Autobuses-South Bus Station). The bus to Segovia takes 75 minutes (leaves from Sepulvedana Station.)

His book also includes info about train times and station.

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236 posts

We were in Madrid this summer and fall and did Segovia, Salamanca, Avila, El Escorial and Toledo all by bus. It was excellent. The Mardid Tourist Kiosks all have bus schedules to these locations. Just tell them where you want to go and they will give you the complete schedule.

Buy one Metro card, I think for 8-10 trips, and share it to get to the various bus ststions.

Be sure to recheck at the bus station and also on the bus platform with the driver as there are sometimes several buses going to the same location.

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201 posts

Thanks for the info. Did you feel like you had enough time in these places by taking the bus?

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508 posts

Lori - Toledo is easier by train - just buy your tickets online or from a travel agency as the wait at the train station can take over an hour.

As for Segovia, we rented a car and went to El Escorial and Segovia on the same day. We were glad to have the flexibility of a car as we could do things at our own pace. We rented a car from the train station, so getting in and out of town was very easy.

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201 posts

Thanks for the tip on where to rent a car. You have been very helpful.

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23547 posts

My suggestion is to use the buses -- great vehicles and cheap. We were in Madrid for week so we had a little more time. A train strike forced us to use the buses and we are very glad we did. The buses are a little slower but you get a much closer look at the county side and a couple of small towns. The other advantage is that the bus drops you in the town center whereas the train is on the edge of town. For Toledo it is a long uphill hike to the plaza. We took the bus to Avila in the AM, walked the wall, had lunch, and on to Segovia for an overnight and then return to Madrid the next PM. Segovia was special at night. Avila is worth a stop if in the area.

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201 posts

That sounds like a great plan. Thanks for sharing!

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110 posts

Trying to drive and find parking in the towns can be a nightmare. Take public transportation or a tour.

BTW the bus to Segovia now leaves from the new station at the Principe Pio metro station (across the street from where it used to leave.)

Personally I would also recommend a day trip to Avila, cheap, easily accessible by train.

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239 posts

We stayed in Madrid for two nights and then rented a car to spend one night in Toledo and one night in Segovia. You may want to stay over in these towns to fully enjoy them and save money. We stayed at the Parador in Toledo with a view of the town--breathtaking!!! And in Segovia we stayed at a new, beautiful hotel--Hotel San Antonio Real (I think that is the name) for about 120 Euros! The hotel is in an old monestary with great rooms and is at the start of the aquaduct, so you just follow the aquaduct for about 10 minutes to the town, which is a beautiful walk.

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265 posts

We went to Madrid and sorounding towns in April last year. If you stay anywhere around Ave La Gran Via, there is a Avis Rent a Car there ( 60 Gran Via ). Parking in Madrid is not cheap, if you find any. Avis uses a parking garage where you pick up your car, you can also park there. Sometimes the hotel might have some spaces reserved at a parking area or even in front of the hotel, BUT don't expect it. Toledo, El Escoria, Valle de los Cahidos and Segovia are not that far by car. Besides the highways are practically empty once you leave the major cities. I didn't have any trouble parking in any of the towns. From Madrid we drove to Barcelona (@ a seven hour drive, that,s just beautiful ).

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68 posts

Go by bus. We travelled to Toledo and El Escorial by bus and it was quick, inexpensive and there were enough buses throughout the day to allow ample time in each location.

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1455 posts

Check out She has some great tips on traveling from madrid to day trips like Segovia and Toledo.

We used the bus and train and never needed a car.

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201 posts

Thank you so much! I'll check it out.