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Maastrict and Southern Holland

My husband and I have about 4 days in October in Maastrict. Any suggestions for things to do in the area?

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1358 posts

Do a google search for "Maastrict sights". Or Maastrict attractions. You will find lots of pages describing the area, some with photos.

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149 posts

The tours through the tunnels/caves in Maastricht are very interesting. I hear the spa at Valkenburg is very nice. Thorn is a charming town and the pannekoeken across the street from the church in Thorn is delicious!

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12040 posts

Maastricht is pleasant enough to visit, but there probably isn't enough to do to fill 4 days. The city contains a rather large pedestrian shopping district, and on Saturdays, the main square by the stadthuis usually has a small market. Maastricht also has two interesting cathedrals (a Catholic and Dutch Reformed, sitting side by side), although they're probably not in the same league as some of Europe's more well known churches.

For a quick side trip, try visiting the open-air museum at Domien van Bokrijk, by the town of Genk just over the border in Belgium. This museum contains re-assembled historical buildings from throughout Flanders, and is staffed with historical re-enactors (is that a word?). Here's the English language version of the website: