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Lyon or Loire Valley

Making a trip to France in May and can spend a day or two in Lyon/Beaune area or the Loire Valley. Both are appealing and interesting but we, unfortunately, cannot do both. Anyone have any preferences?

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10528 posts

Lyon, and towns just south, have sites that go back to the Gauls and Romans, a very rich history in many ways over many, many centuries. It's filled with museums, the history of the wealthy, local silk industry, the famous bouchon restaurants, and it's sandwiched between two great wine regions, Burgundy and Rhone; what's not to love. We've traveled in the Loire a couple of times and much prefer the lesser traveled Anjou to the Touraine, but most of the blockbuster chateaux are in the Touraine. Personally, after two or three chateaux, I'm done. On the other hand, I'll go for a Roman amphitheater or temple or very early church, as found in the Rhone Valley, any day.

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251 posts

It depends on whether you'd prefer the wine country of Beaune or the chateaux of the Loire. The Loire has vinyards as well.

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3 posts

We like it all! That's the problem. While we enjoy some wine in a beautiful setting we are not all that interested in touring many vineyards or wineries. We do enjoy great food and I know Lyon is known for that. History and art are also things we enjoy exploring. Both locations would be good for that! Oh, what to do? Let me ask you this - if you could only go back to just one of these areas - which would it be?

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3 posts

Thanks so much for your helpful response. It was just what I was trying to discover. I think we may lean toward Lyon. Thanks, again!