Was wondering if someone could tell me for certain the name of the train station closest to the Luxembourg airport. I believe it is called "Gare Centrale of Luxembourg" but when I look on the DB website I don't see this station listed. Thanks for any help.
Findel Airport has a good page on connections at http://www.lux-airport.lu/2008/index.php?idnavigation=4&navsel=4&navparent=1&navlevel=&level1=1&level2=4&level3=&level4=&co_group_id=4&lang=en&fidlanguage=1&idusergroup=2 Central Station of Luxembourg would be an English translation Gare Centrale de Luxembourg would be in French. I have seen that DB is happy with Luxembourg Gare. ... or you could just go to www.lux-airport.lu and change the language and drill down from there. Its a good website. 2 buses from the airport to the Plateau and into town. If you are going to Trier the second bus goes directly there. The buses and trains all work together in Luxembourg.