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Luxemborg - Yea or Nay?

Friends & I are planning a European trip next May. Starting in Ireland, going to Paris, then some time thru Germany (Bavaria mostly). We have approx 3 weeks and we can't fly in or out of France or The Netherlands for specific reasons.

I'm curious about Luxemborg. It intriques me because it's this tiny country in the midst of several much larger ones.
(and because I used to collect stamps as a kid.)

So - is there a good reason to either go to or stay away from Luxemborg, the country? And if you were going, what's the best place to see?


Posted by
1022 posts

I have been there and the only good reason to go is to check it off the list as another country visited (unless you have unregistered bank accounts to attend to). Pleasant enough, but that's it.

Posted by
591 posts

The city of Luxembourg is a very nice place to visit and from there you can take the short drive to Trier, Germany (former Roman settlement) which is another good place to see. From Trier you may want to follow the Mosel River route toward Koblenz ... several good castles you can stop to explore on the way. If you're into WWII history, Gen'l George Patton is buried in the American Cemetery just east of Luxembourg city.

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12040 posts

Luxembourg city: clean, pleasant, well-organized and probably a wonderful place to live. But would I go out of my way to visit? No. The most interesting thing about the city is its layout. It sort of spills into a deep ravine. You can spend a few hours wandering about the old ramparts, which isn't a bad way to spend an afternoon.

Oh, another reason to visit? Some of the cheapest fuel in Europe. If you're going from France or Belgium to Germany, consider filling the tank here. All of the rest-stops on the highways seem to be duty-free shops as well. You'll see people leaving with cartons of cigarettes.

Posted by
62 posts

It was worth driving through on my way from Germany to France, but while the scenery is lovely, it is nothing really out of the ordinary for that area of Europe. Gasoline is noticeable cheaper and as you get close to the French border you'll see lines of French cars waiting their turn to fuel up. I will say that the Diekirch beer is quite tasty, but I am hard pressed to find any real reason to visit the country for strictly tourist purposes.

Posted by
34 posts

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.
I'm getting much the same data from several better-traveled friends.


Posted by
53 posts

I second going to the American Military Cemetary just outside of Luxemborg City. Very moving.