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Luggage storage at Atocha station

I was thinking about going to the Modern Art museum before leaving Madrid. I seem to remember that it is close to the Atocha station. I was also thinking that there was luggage storage at Atocha. Has anyone used that? Is it easy to use? Expensive? I was just trying to figure out if it made sense to store the luggage, go to the museum, and then go on to Seville. Thanks for your help!

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1178 posts

Have not used it, but think I remember seeing a holding area...check out the Atocha web is fairly extensive. You might check as well...good information source.

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30 posts

Thanks for the hint on the madridman site! In case others are curious, this is what I found on the message board there: Atocha (Train station) Behind Aviary Metro: Atocha Renfe These are automated lockers of 3 different sizes where you insert your bags, pay for the first day and get a coded ticket which you will use to open the locker and get your things once you have entered the code and paid for them. They are watched over by a security guard with a security scanner for added protection. - Small is 2,40 euros a day (volume less than 0.15m) - Single space is 3,00 euros a day (volume 0.15m to 0.25m) - Double space is 4,50 euros a day
(volume 0.25m to 0.40m) 15 day maximum then transferred to warehouse. One year maximum at warehouse then considered forgotten / rejected. Monday-Sunday: 6:30AM-10:20PM Tel. 902-240-202