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Lourve for kids

We are looking for some information about the workshops in art that are available for kids. We are taking an 11 year old granddaughter who is very interested in painting etc. We know these are available but are unable to locate a site to get the specific information. Thanks for your help. Esther

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4555 posts

Esther/Dorsey...the Louvre site indicates there are no such workshops available for this they seem to have nothing on right now. Maybe try the site in a few weeks to see if something pops up for the spring.

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818 posts

look at and see if while you are there they have their Louvre Highlights tour ... here is the blurb from their website about the upcoming one on Feb 26 ... my son (8 at the time) really enjoyed it and it was a nice group and very interesting.

Fri 26 4pm The Louvre Highlights
Tour of the major masterpieces, (sculpture,
paintings, jewels, Mona Lisa, Victory of
Samothrace, Venus de Milo). The history of the
Louvre through the ages with the remains of the
feudal castle and the splendid ball-rooms of the
royal palace, and some lovely secrets away from
the crowds. Meet at central column inside main
pyramid. Please reserve and prepay. Price 15E
(We can provide entrance tickets costing 9E)

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8293 posts

If you go to the Louvre official website, and click onto "Activities", and then "workshops" you will find what you are looking for.

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189 posts


Thank you for replying. We have visited that site and were unable to find relevant information. Esther