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Looking for French Countryside Short-Trip Ideas

Going to Paris for vacation, and wanted to spend 3 days/2 nights somewhere outside of Paris. BUT needs to be a place accessbile by train, an when we arrive we do not want to rent a car. Any suggestions for non-car trips?

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17 posts

Amboise and/or Blois are intersting small towns if you are interest in visiting old castle. Blois is the larfer of the two and has more sights to visit.Both have excellent train connections and can be reached on the same train in an hour to hour and a half.

Rouen is an interesting and neat, scenic city with quite a few sights, expecially their fantastic cathedral painted by Monet. Excellant train connection taking about two hours.

Strasbourg and Colmar near the German border are very interesting medival towns. The new TGV train gets you to Strasbourg in 2 1/2 hours. Colmar isn't too far from Strasbourg.

Chartes has a beautiful cathedral but that is basically all the tourist would really be interested in. It is only a half hour train ride there and so one can do that trip in a morning from Paris without staying overnight. If you have toured many churches in Paris, the cathedral in Rouen, or the churches in Blois (of which there are many), I'd recommend skipping Chartes.

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17 posts

The touchpad on my notebook PC is badly malfunctioning and needs replacing; hence the multiply copies of my post.

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13 posts

You may be interested in travelling the Wine Road from Strasbourg to Colmar (or reverse)I am going in June and having been planning this into my trip as it is suppose to be beautiful and very interesting.

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267 posts

Define "short trip." Thanks to the TGV high speed rail, even the opposite end of the country is only 3 hours away. ;)

I second the recommendations for Blois, Rouen, Strasbourg, etc. It all depends on what interests you as a traveler. Some people prefer castles to wine tasting, while others prefer the opposite, and still more like both or neither.

No matter what you decide, I'm sure you'll have an excellent time in the countryside.

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4132 posts

Lyon, Avignon, Arles, Chartres, and Beaune are also charming towns on rail lines. Some offer the option of visiting others as day trips.

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1178 posts

Beaune by all means...train station at the edge of town and close by hotels, b&b's etc. Easy to walk on the old streets...