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Lockers in Metro in Paris?

We are arriving in Paris on the night train from Munich at the end of the month and are wondering if we should leave our bags at Paris Est train station for the day. Does anyone know if the metro stations have lockers? Paris Est is kind of far from our hotel and we'd rather bring the bags to the Cite Metro station and leave them there while we're seeing some sights in the morning before we can check into our hotel. Thanks for your help.

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4555 posts

Unfortunately, you won't find any lockers at Metro stations in Paris...they're only in the main train stations. Your other option would be to take them straight to your hotel and ask them to keep them for you until you officially check in....most hotels are willing to lock your bags away for you.

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8700 posts

As Norm says, go to your hotel and drop off your luggage. However, FYI, the train stations that have either attended left luggage facilities or lockers are Gare du Nord, Gare de Lyon, Gare Montparnasse, and Gare d'Austerlitz.