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Lisbon Airport / Repubilc Day?

My wife and I will be visiting Portugal in Oct., 2012. Two and 1/2 questions: 1) Is the Lisbon Airport open 24/7? Reason: We've a 6:00 AM flight for Paris. We thought we would save a few bucks by checking out of the hotel a day early, and "crashing and burning" in the airport the night before our flight. Nothing like a good night's sleep on a hard plastic bench in a well-lighted noisy enclosure, prior to starting an epic 12-hour flight home. 2) October 5th, Repubilc Day. Is the city completely closed down? Any musieums and/or other sites open? The transit situation, good, bad, non-existant? What type of celebrations are there in town that are tourist friendly? 2 1/2) One more question? Where can I get my hands on a good, detailed Lisbon Street map. The downloaded ones don't cut it for me. Thanks! Tom S.

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