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Leisurely dining in France

I'd like to spend a good portion of my time in France sitting at a patio table, enjoying a good glass of wine and an amazing dinner. However, I'm under the impression that leisurely dining is frowned upon. Am I misinformed?

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875 posts

In Paris at least, once you have a table, it's yours for as long as you want to stay. It's not like the US where they want to turn the tables several times a night.

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157 posts

I would say just the opposite - I think leisurely dining in America is definately frowned on. As previous poster notes, once you buy the table, you own it for the duration! In France, most restaurants would expect to have just a single turn.

In fact, if you are in a bit of a hurry, it is completely out of the norm for most French diners and waiters, who will accomodate your needs, but find your actions a bit odd!

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20 posts

Perfect! That atmosphere sounds much better than going out for dinner in the US. Thanks.