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Lauterbrunnen; has anyone you been here. Is it worth visiting? Any opinions welcome.

Thanks - josh

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9109 posts

Lauterbrunnen is a very small village in the bottom of the valley between the Jungfrau and Schiltorn peaks. It's mostly a junction where people take various trains, cable cars and buses to the peaks, and higher mountain villages. It's a scenic place with some very handy hotels, but in terms of visiting just for the sake of visiting, there is nothing to do Lauterbrunnen.

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1589 posts

Nice water fall while on the way to somewhere else.

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6898 posts

My wife and I stayed in Lauterbrunnen in early June last year. It's a 25-minute train ride from Interlaken. As Michael described above, the Lauterbrunnen train station is the transfer point to other trains, gondolas, and buses that take you to Gimmelwald, Murren, Wengen, Grindelwald and the mountain tops of the Jungfrau and Shilthorn. We stayed at the Hotel Silberhorn, which we really enjoyed ( RS recommends the Hotel Staubbach. 72 waterfalls in the valley somewhere. We saw several. The whole valley is one of the most scenic areas in Switzerland.

What time of year are your intending to travel? The whole area is a ski resort right now. Muerren is reporting 3' of snow. You won't see a snow-free valley and mountain villages until late May. Muerren, at 5,300', was snow-free and warm during our visit.

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127 posts

I have to agree with Tim; but it depends on your age & interests & what time of year. Summer is great. We stayed at the Silberhorn in '06, & our room in the Sonnenheim chalet had incredible balcony views of Staubbachfall & the Breithorn. In '07 we stayed in Wengen, but still hiked the valley trail in Lauterbrunnen after a big rain & saw most of those 72 waterfalls! If you're a hiker, you can't go wrong with Wengen, Murren or Gimmelwald as a base. (You also get better high mountain panoramas, especially in Wengen, than you do in Lauterbrunnen.) There are also colorful village festivals in the summer in Murren & Grutschalp.

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9109 posts

Nobody said there was nothing to "see" there, I said there was nothing to "do" there. IMO the action is in the higher villages and peaks.

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7209 posts

Surely you confuse Lauterbrunnen and Interlaken with the term "transport hub". Lauterbrunnen is one of the most picturesque valleys in the world. Interlaken is truly a hub of transport for other many regions within Switzerland.

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8 posts

Have to agree with Michael, nothing to do there. Very few restaurants and shops. I stayed in Wengen at the Alpenrose Hotel. Wonderful. Lauterbrunnen is just a transportation hub.